── one.

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CHAPTER ONE ; the plan.
💌 you've received mail...
" what if we asked zach if his back is still fucked up? "


hadley scrubbed the tables of the long bar that faced the crammed kitchen in the small diner. one airpod rested in her left ear, some random song that she knew few of the words of was quietly playing as she worked on completing her task.

victory on the other hand, was sitting on one of the barstools while typing away on her macbook air. most likely working on an important essay for college whilst she drank a chocolate milkshake.

"my backs fucked up."

the two girls bursted out into laughter as the old video played from the laptop. the voice was recognizable as a young teen that went by the name of zachary herron. a young adolescent that knew how to make stupid decisions.

in hadley's eyes, he was an absolute god but in victory's, he was no more than a seventeen-year-old boy that could sing.

zach was apart of a rising boy band called why don't we. that meant he was quite well known around the world, and had a reputation.

since he had a reputation and was also the youngest member of the band it meant that he was looked upon to be the golden boy. that one sentence, four words, or fifteen letters truly messed up some others views on him.

a notification went of on both victory and hadley's phone at the same time. considering that, it probably meant that it was from a person they were both following.

the boy band they we both truly in love with announced that they would be going on tour for their newly released album. the girls had been to every one of their concerts they could have the opportunity of going to together.

every single time they had bought tickets they tried to snag limelight tickets but either they sold out too quickly or the website crashed. once again, it would be their ultimate mission to get them.

victory and hadley both glanced at each other before breaking out into large grins. they knew what had to be done.

the working teen began to talk to the typing one as she continued to clean up the dirty tables and refill the napkin holsters.

"i can't believe we're going to see them again!" hadley grinned, washing the rag that got dirty once again.

"you say that every time doll, is it really such a surprise to you now?" victory let out a small giggle glancing up at her ecstatic best friend.

the old fashioned clock that rested on the white wall struck showed the time was 9pm. hadley's shift was over for the night and she couldn't be more happy.

"let's go bitch, we're going to eat furniture."
victory spoke as she closed all of the tabs that were open as well as shutting the laptop.

"bye lydia! see you tomorrow!" the young teens yelled out to the only other worker that sat inside the diner as they left through the glass set of doors.

victory got into the drivers side of her jeep cherokee while hadley sat in the spot next to hers. once the engine roared, coming to life, hadley grasped onto the auxiliary cord and opened up her spotify account.


FREAKY FRIDAY ( 𝙯𝙙𝙝 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙘𝙢𝙗 )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora