Jaesung #2

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that name I recognized that name...

While eating my lunch renjun just came up with having a sleep over at my place and I said sure,After I finished my lunch I quickly left and went to the bathroom I started to text my online friend also named jaemin

Hey : Jisung

Jaemin: hey, how u doing

Fine : Jisung

Jaemin: what's wrong?

Nothing just a rough day at school : Jisung

Jaemin: ok... I gtg my class starts soon

And he left i also had to leave my class started soon too.

After class

It was the end of the day I was walking home but then I saw Jaemin running after me so I slowed down, after Jaemin caught up we started to talk and walk home together I got home and shower and ate and all of that stuff

After awhile heard some knocks at my door I opened the door to find all my friends outside waiting to come in for the sleep over that I forgot about

We decided to play truth or dare, mark was first to spin the bottle to ask truth or dare to someone and mark landed on chenle

Marked asked chenle who he had a crush on?

Chenle said.....


Don't u love cliffhangers A/N

Online friends more like soulmates- jaesungWhere stories live. Discover now