Chapter 7

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Louis POV

I run out of Amy’s house with tears threatening to spill over and get into my car and drive home and collapse on my bed. She said no, again. Because of Drew again, I just wanted to hang out with her just once. Why did I have to fall for Amy? Those blue green eyes, her dirty blonde hair, her adorable laugh, her beautiful smile, when she blushes she looks down. She was perfect and beautiful and funny but not mine. I jumped at the sound of my ringtone and looked down to see who was calling, Amy. I sit up and grab my phone and hit answer.

Louis: “Hello?”

Amy: “Hey.”

Louis: “What’s up?”

Amy: “Listen I’m sorry about earlier and I canceled on Drew so I was wondering if you still wanted to hang out on Friday.”

Louis: “Oh uh yeah sure.”

Amy: “Okay just text me what time.”

Louis: “Okay uh I’ll talk to you later bye.”

Amy: “Bye Lou.”


I hit the end button and put my phone down and smiled to myself. She canceled on Drew for me. She’s making not falling for her insanely hard to do.


Amy’s POV

I walked into school and went to English class and surprisingly enough Ashley was the first person inside. I walked to my desk and she turns around in her chair and I sit down awkwardly.

Ashley: “Hey!”

Amy: “Uh hi.”

Ashley: “So I was like wondering if you wanted to go to the mall or something after school.”

Amy: “Uh I have plans…”

Ashley: “Oh who with?”

Amy: “Some friends…”

Ashley: “One Direction friends?”

Amy: “Yes why?”

Ashley: “Could you introduce me?”

Amy: “No…”

Ashley: “Why not?”

Amy: “Because.”

Ashley: “Could you introduce me to Louis at least?”

Amy: “No.”

Ashley: “Listen sweetie, if you don’t this could all be ruined.”

Amy: “What are you talking about?”

Ashley: “Never mind.”

She turns around in her seat and I go through school and get home and get ready for the movies. I get dressed and head out to my car and go where the boys and Sierra and I were going to meet. I get out and start walking towards the movies when I see Ashley talking to Louis. MY Louis, okay he wasn’t mine exactly but he was one of my best friends. I see Ashley twirling her hair and talking to Louis and laughing her high pitched laugh and I start walking closer and I see Ashley leaning in. No she better not kiss him. She leans in more and kisses his lips softly and they pull away and Ashley hands Louis a piece of paper and waves to him and walks away. Louis stands there frozen and I walk up slowly with my eyes watery. I get to Louis and he turns to me.

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