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James's POV
After we had read the paper Sky had left we all agreed to go look for her. I mean seriously. Of course, we would do that. We won't leave her on the streets like that. Plus Blake is about to throw a tantrum about this. We um can't have that. Even tho it would be hilarious. Okay back to the topic. We all agreed to split up. Me and Tris go together and I hope the others know who they go with. Cuz I can't remember.

Me and Tris walked along the street not really talking to each other. It was a really bad situation. Sky running away. I don't really understand why she did it. I mean come on. You can't just leave your own daughter. Now that I think about it she maybe had a reason to do it cuz she is only 16 years old and she's already a mom. I'm 26 and I haven't even thought about getting a baby.

We had looked for almost 3 hours and I was so tired. Tris was even beginning to give up but I pushed him to look just a little more. I mean it's Blake child's mom and girlfriend. After some time we walked along some alleys and I head sniffles coming from the one we walked towards. Me and Tris looked at each other and nodded. We walked over to the alley and finally found a crying Sky.

I looked at Tris and he ran over to Sky and took her into his arms.

"Sky! Are you okay? What happened?" He asked her dead worried as she continued to cry.

"C-Celia she's a-alive," She said as she hugged Tris tight.

"Sky what do you mean? She's dead!" I said as I looked at her worried.

"No, she's not! I just saw her, I just talked to her Tris!!" She practically yelled at him.

"Sky calm down! I understand that you miss her a lot, but I think you're just seeing things and it's completely normal when you have lost someone that's close to you" Tris said looking worried at her.

"No Tris! I swear she's alive, she's been faking her own death for about 2 years so she could fix herself without us" Sky said as she cried even harder.

"Okay, Sky listen. I think we'll get you home and then we can talk about it later when you're more calmed cuz you need to rest right now" Tris said as he lifted her up in bridal style.

We walked down and out of the alley as were heading home.


We arrived at home and Sky was hugging tight around Tris's neck and he held her tight. I opened the door and soon enough Brad rushed over to us as he yelled "SKYLAR!!!" He rushed over and took Sky in his arms as he started crying. A short time after the others came in and when Reece and Blake saw they rushed over to Brad as they both broke down and they hugged her tight.

Brad's POV
I can't believe we found her again. Like I'm actually standing with my sister back safe in my arms.

I carried her upstairs to her room as I placed her down in the bed while I lay down next to her when she looked at me. 

"Brad, she's alive! I swear she's not dead" Sky said as she looked at me with tears in her eyes. 

"Who's alive Sky?" I said worried as I looked at her. 

"Celia! She's alive I swear, I talked to her before I got here. She's been faking her own death cuz she needed to fix herself without us" I can't be true what she's saying. Me and Blake both saw her die in the hospital two years ago! How could she fake that? it's impossible! 

Blake's POV
I and Reece are hugging each other tightly while both of us is crying. I can't fucking believe she's back and safe again! This is literally a miracle, I finally got my girlfriend back and most of all Rosie got her mum back. I can't imagine me and Rosie living and her growing up without Skylar. 

Brad took her upstairs so that she could rest a bit. 

A moment later it knocked on the door and James went over to open as Connor came in with Rosie crying. 

I took her into my arms as I said down on the sofa trying to get her to relax again. 

"Uhhhh... guys you better come here," James said as he sounded almost shocked and scared. 

We all walked up to James and what we saw shocked us... 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2019 ⏰

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