BR #4 (Boys Will Be Boys)

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Book Title: Boys Will Be Boys
Genre: LGBTQ+ /Romance
Completed On: September 15, 2014
Suggested to read: by myself :)

(If you haven't read this book yet and would like to now, please stop reading because SPOILERS AHEAD!!!)



I'm just really happy about this book.


This book was absolutely one of my favorites. UGH I love it so much I'm so excited to talk about it aoznskdnskxnne

Let's talk about characters first.

In this story, our main POV is with Luke Adams, a popular basketball player at his High School in (Tennessee, is it?) And he is insanely attractive among his friends and other classmates. He gets with girls almost every other weekend, and is known as the lady's man.

Well let me tell you that doesn't last long.

Our little friend Luke here has a slight issue when a new student transfers into his High School: Emery Scott. Emery Scott is a shy and quiet kid who is quickly joined in with Luke and his other friends. Luke soon realizes that Emery is someone interesting, and he wants to figure out why that is. He soon starts having dreams about Emery Scott. And after freaking out about what that could possibly mean, he soon begins his downward spiral of running on no food and no nights of sleep for a week.


I mean, damn I cant stay awake during Algebra, let alone an entire week.

And so our story really starts to take its turn.

Basically, I think one of the things I love most about this story is it's characters. Luke is such a sarcastic character, and he truly does illustrate what it might be like to realize that you are gay. He's so relatable and there is such character development in him, which I love.

Next is Emery. We soon realize in the story that Emery deals with his own demons as well, and has some past demons that can sometimes be difficult to talk about. He says about how and why he moved from his previous home, and all the physical and emotional scars he got because of it. Emery has tons of character development, and we see in him how difficult it can be to overcome your demons, and how living with them can be difficult, but possible.

I love the fact that this story doesn't just try to sugarcoat things. The story doesn't pretend like everyone will be okay with Luke being homosexual. It actually illustrates how difficult it can be to be outed in high school. Being outed is never a good thing. But once you are, you can finally live to be who you are. And that is what is good about it.

In general I love this story. The plot, the character development, the plot twists omg. I just love it.

Favorite part of the book?
Ugh there were so much parts in this book that I loved. I think my favorite part, and this is going to sound really sad but just listen to my reason, is when Luke fainted in the gym after not having slept for a week. I know, why in the hell would that be my favorite part? Well, firstly it showed Luke that he needed to stop doing that because it's not healthy. Second, him fainting brought everyone together in the hospital, and they were all brought a little closer.

What would I rate this book?
Definitely a 15/10. This book was amazing and I loved it :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2019 ⏰

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