n i n e t e e n : i have some tea to spill

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n i n e t e e n : i have some tea to spill


Isabella's POV

My body tenses and I turn my head to the side. "You rolled your eyes three different times tonight. Do you know what that means?" I gulp loudly. "Plus... we're at my place. There isn't anything stopping us." My eyes widen. W-What?

His lips find their way to my open skin. I yelp in surprise. He starts moving slowly, killingly, enjoyably. His hands rest on my hips and I can feel his touch through the thin shirt. My skin burns underneath the shirt from his touch. I'm no longer cold. He sucks, bites, teases and it's seriously killing me. He gets up to breathe but lowers to my ear. "Looks like the hickeys are gone, I should probably make them reappear." I don't shake my head, or speak up. I sit there, waiting for him to continue. After a few more teasing pecks to my neck, he finds that one spot that did things to my body. He sucked extra hard on that spot and my knees went weak. His hands on my waist tightened and kept me standing.

My belly was exploding with tingling feelings. I felt them in my crotch and I don't know if it was a sign to stop or continue. I don't want to stop, but I know I should. He slowly but surely made his way to the other side of my neck. I leaned my head towards the left and let him do whatever he pleased. I was in a state of pure bliss and I didn't want to leave. His hands started to go lower and lower. Until they were under my butt. He squeezed my upper thighs, putting me deeper into his trance. I could feel the bruises appearing, but I didn't care, it felt too good to stop.

Then as if the universe hates us being together, the kitchen door swings open. "It's your favo-.. uhh." A voice says. Aiden let's go if my thighs and stands back up to his full height. I take my hands and wipe my neck, trying to dry it off. My entire face is on fire and I let my back face the intruder so they couldn't see my embarrassment. I seriously have got to stop him from doing that. "What the hell, don't you knock," Aiden says. I could practically feel how annoyed he was. "S-Sorry." A male voice says.

A female voice chimes in. "Get some best friend." And I immediately know who the male and female voice belongs to. Alex and Rose. Once I'm sure my face isn't tomato red, I turn around and glare at Rose. Her and Alex's eyes both widen and they eye my neck. I haven't seen it yet, so I don't know how bad it looks. A sly smile appears on Rose's face. "Again? And you haven't kissed yet and you're not dating." Then she looks at Aiden. "What the fuck dude." He laughs and shrugs his shoulders. Although I couldn't see his face at the moment, I was willing to bet money he was smirking and looking very happy. I roll my eyes because he couldn't see me.

I turn around and finish the dishes up. "Be quiet, there's a three-year-old sleeping in Aiden's room," I say. "Um?" Alex and Rose say. I laugh. Then I turn around and look at Aiden's back. I poke his shoulder and he turns around. He raises an eyebrow. I smile sweetly. "What do you want?" He sighs, knowing exactly what my sweet smile meant. Heh. "Can you finish the dishes? I need to catch Rose up on some things." He rolls his eyes. "Whatever." I smile but then punch his shoulder. He pretends it hurts. I fight the urge to roll my eyes. "If I can't roll them, you can't." He looks me in the eye. "Yes, ma'am." Once again I fight the urge, even though it was such a good time to roll my eyes. I walk towards Rose, grab her arm, then pull her to the couch.

"So, remember, you need to fill me in on the party? And apparently, today and this three-year-old and what just happened." Then she gasps. "Bitch, you need to stop hiding all of this from me." I laugh and get comfortable.

"Okay, okay, so you know how Elijah has been acting toward me lately?" She nods and I tell her the entire party story. I leave out what happened when we got back to Aiden's. Yeah, all of the memories from that night came back to me on the drive home from his mom's house. To say it was awkward is an understatement. Rose's faces goes from calm to pure fury. "I'LL BEAT THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF THAT ASSHOLE." She screams and I start dying of laughter. She looks at me like I'm crazy.

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