Chapter 1

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(Blue's p.o.v.)

Here we go again.

Another Reset, I wonder how papy will treat me this time. 

I rubbed the spot where the knife went through my chest and sighed. Come on let's go after all no one knows I remember the Resets while that's not true. Error, Cherry, and Slim Cherry's brother. There was a crash from Papy's room. Here we go again. I get up and knock on his door.

"Papy? Everything okay? I heard a crash." I said with worry in my voice even tho I knew what was going on. The door opened and I was shoved away from the door and to the ground. 

"I'm going out" Papy said and stormed out of the house and I stood up.

"So, it's going to be like that" I said as I stared at the door. I got up and got ready for the day.

After I came back from Alphys I started to get food ready in the kitchen when I heard the door slam shut. 

"Papy!!" I said and run out of the kitchen to him. 

"Shut up" he said coldly. He grabbed me and slammed me against the wall harshly.

"Let's have some fun, shall we brother" he said looking at me with an insane smile. I started to shake knowing what was to come.

(Cherry's p.o.v.)

I was walking back from the castle after doing a job for the queen. God I hate her. I grabbed the leash that was connected to my brother's collar. 

"Hurry up!" I said harshly tugging on my brothers leash. I really wanted to hurry home so I could spend time with my brother. Despite all outside appearances I truly did love him he was my everything just as I was his everything. Just as we got to the house I got a call. It was blue.

"Hey blueberry, what's up?" I said as I walked into my house and started making some food.

"I-is this a bad time?" I could tell he was or had been recently crying.

"Of course not, I always have time for my favorite sans" I said with a smile but I knew something was up. 

"Can I stay with you and slim for a bit? It's okay if you say no" he hurriedly added. 

"Of course you can stay with us, anything for you. What happened?" Worry filled my voice as I motioned Slim over and I put Blue on speaker phone so we both could hear him.

"I don't want to say anything over the phone in case papy wakes up" Blue said with terror in his voice.

"Do you need us to come get you?" I asked? I looked up at Slim worry on both our faces. 

"No!" blue went silent for a second.

"Papy might knew where I am going and come get me" blue said.

"Okay, be safe" I said.

" I will, I'm almost done packing. Thank you" we heard some shuffling on the other side of the phone. 

"Your welcome and we will be waiting for you" I said as Slim rushed around getting the bed ready for blue before I put up a hand for him to stop. 

"I got to go, thank you" he hung up and I look at Slim.

"He won't be safe here. Stretch knows he comes here sometimes" I said while looking at the different contacts in my phone.

"Then where?" Slim said. 

"The mansion" I said as I called Nightmare.

(Blue's p.o.v.) (before the call with Cherry and warning it will get somewhat dark)

I banged up my ribs and my all my other wounds I have. This isn't the first time papy has beaten me up but this is by far the worse. I sighed. I'm not safe here, I need to go stay with someone else. After I finished wrapping up my wounds. I decided to call Ink. Gratefully he answered but the first words out of Ink's mouth fill me with dread and knowing that Ink would and could to nothing for me.

"What is it buddy? I'm kind of busy right now" Ink said cheerfully. 

"Oh... What are you doing?" I said quietly and looked down. 

"Fighting Error and Nightmare with Dream" Ink said sightly out of breath.

"Oh we-" "Sorry buddy I have to go I have no time to talk" Ink cut me off and he hung up on me. Leaving me alone knowing that some of my closest friends Ink, Dream, Error, and Nightmare were all out of the question. I took a shaky breath and wiped the tears that fell from my eyes. Then I called the person I trust the most. 

 "I-is this a bad time?" 

(And that my friends is the end of the chapter. I hope you like it and I'm glad I was able to get this long first chapter out to you all and the day after the prologue too. Sorry for unpublishing it. Anyway I spent all day on this so I hope you all liked this and have a wonderful day/night) 

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