A new pal

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I walked quietly around it, it seems to be sleeping even more. I look at the wings of the dragon, the left one looks like it has been shot! I don't know if I should help it or leave it, I lightly reach for it's wing. One second I standing, the next second I'm on the ground pinned by the dragon, I reach for my pocket knife but felt the dragon slide it away with its tail. "Crap, I get to die before I'm 15, and I haven't kicked Zach's butt in the race yet!" I thought to myself as I struggle to keep its claws from digging into my skin. I barley kick it off the side of the roof, once after I pushed it on me, I felt my body shake as I fell to my knees. "You are the one." it said, "Your the one I'm bonded with." it seems that voice was coming from the dragon! It appears to be a male from the voice. "Have no fear, I'll not kill you. Just tell me what you are doing here young one." he said as he walked close to me. I glared at him, "I'm the one that's suppose to be asking you that Dragon!" I replied back as I'm wondering why he said he and I are "Bonded". I take a few steps towards him. He stared at me and sat. "Can I look at your wings now? I was gonna see what happened to them." I said as I took another step closer to him. "Also if we are "Bonded" then we are the same age!" I got even closer to where I might could reach out my hand to touch him. "I've been attacked on our side of the land, a hunter has came and shot me, I went to find the hunter to get something he stole from my mother the queen of dragons. The soul of my father. Ever since then, I heard the queen here was deadly sick and I came to see." he said as he laid out his wing for me to look at, when he wasn't paying attention, I started to heal his wings. I was too kind to let him go around this land with no way to escape. "Well she is sick and it seems your father and my the queen are bonded too, correct?" I asked as I rose an eye brow to wonder when he was gonna tell me his name. He nods, then says, "If you and I are bonded, that means your the princess of the Elves, correct? Also my name is prince Edwin. The air to the thrown of Dragons as you are the air the thrown of Elves." he bows his head in respect as I bow mine back in respect. "You are correct prince Edwin. I'm princess Skylar, air to the Elves." I replied back to him. "So my fellow bond, how can I help you with this? My mom needs medicaid that's on your side of the world." He looked at me with a grin on his face. "Well," he said as he still grinned. "I have a plan."

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