(Chapter 15) Apart

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So I change the cover what do you guys think and I struggled just so Hayes could show cause it took space and Hayes wouldn't show and the edit was hard as well

Please comment if you like the new cover I'm begging anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter love you guys LOTS and please vote and like)

Ally's POV

~after 5 days~

I woke up by the sound of my alam clock go off. I groaned while I remember I had to get up and all that

I got up any ways and went to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and then dried off I blow dried my hair , I chose to wear some hot pink short shorts , a white hoodie that said 'LOVE' in big black letters

I grabbed my black vans and slipped them on I brushed my hair and tied it in a messy bun, I did my usual make up and then grabbed my phone and bag

I headed down stairs and when I got down I saw the bus come so I ran to the bus

And sat where Bonnie was. We talked for 10 minutes till we reached to school

We got of the bus and headed in

As we were walking in the hallway I saw....


I just ignored him as if he wasn't there the past 5 days but today he tried to talk to me

But I just walked away with Bonnie and went to our lockers

Then walked to class

Mrs. Jiffy: I'm changing places cause I said so

I ignored that cause I didn't really care who I sit with

Mrs. Jiffy: Hayes can you sit next to Allison please

By the way my name is short for Allison so at school teachers call me Allison but students , friends or my family call me ally

I looked at Hayes as he nodded and took his bag then walked over to my seat

WTF I thought to myself

We took our boring lessons till the bell rang for lunch

We all got up and left the room

Hayes: ally! Ally! He said as he tried to catch up to me since I was fast walking to my locker

Hayes: ally! He said as he grabbed my arm

Me: my name is Allison to people I don't know it's ALLISON. I said looking him in the eyes

Hayes: I'm just trying to work things out just listen to m-

Me: I won't listen to a jerk who cheated on me! I said as I move from his grip

And walk away to my locker

I sat at lunch alone Bonnie was at PE or something so I kept on eating my sandwich

When Ethan came...Ethan is a friend that Bonnie and i made last weekend

Ethan: hey why are you sitting alone? He said as he hugged me

Me: oh Bonnie is at PE I guess. I said as I hugged him back

Ethan: yeah....I know the feeling being all alone at lunch it's just too lonely cause your a loner no one wants to sit with you. He joked

Me: oh shut up you dork! I said a bit loud but no one heard me but Hayes that was sitting two tables in front of us

We talked the whole time and joked

Hayes POV

I was sitting with my friends Ben and jake

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