Out of no where: Loke X Reader

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You are (Y/N) the spirit of sound and you are also the same (Y/N) the lost consolation. You and Loke were best friends but you secretly wish you were more than best friends. You never said anything about it because you didn't want to ruin your friendship with him. You were talking with Aries right now when you were summoned by your master Lucy Heartfilia.

"Lucy?! What wrong? Do you need some help again?" You asked looking around and getting ready to fight until you heard Lucy laugh. You looked over at her to see her rolling on the ground holding her stomach and laughing. You started to blush out of embarrassment.

"I'm-I'm sorry (Y/N) but that was just to funny. But no I'm ok I just wanted to talk and your one of the only spirits that won't get mad at me if I summon you to just talk." Lucy said finally recovering and calming down and getting off the ground. She sat down on her couch and motioned you to sit by her and you obeyed.

"Ok Lucy what did you want to talk about?" You asked as you look over at her just to see her smirk.

"Tell me who you like! I've always been curious." She said excitedly and you started to get worried.

'But what if Loke comes out of no where like he normally does and he hears my confession?" You thought trying to think of something to say while Lucy became impatient.

"Oh come on (Y/N)! Just tell me already and be honest with me." She said looking a bit annoyed that you were taking so long when all you had to do was say a name. You sighed giving in as you gathered all of your courage to answer Lucy and tell her who you liked.

"Loke" You said and Lucy gave you a confused look and as she was about to say something Loke appears out of no where and giving you a heart attack as you scream and fall off the couch.

"Ow don't scare me like that Loke!" You said/scolded getting up and looking at said man.

"Oh sorry (Y/N), but you called? Did you need something?" Loke asked looking at you as Lucy finally realized what you meant when you said his name.

"Oh I get it! So you like-" You cut Lucy off by covering her mouth.

"Don't say it" You said giving her a death glare. She sweat dropped and nodded her head. You removed your hand from its position over her mouth and let out a sigh of relief.

"What? Who do you like?" Loke asked curiously as you looked at him. You started to panic and tried to think of something to say again. You looked at Lucy and she just smirked at you. She then got up and started to walk away.

"Hey Lucy where are you going?" You asked but she didn't say anything she just left the room so you and Loke were alone together.

"So.... You were saying? Who do you like?" Loke asked as you looked at him and blushed lightly.

"Oh n-no one" You said with a nervous smile and laugh. But Loke wasn't buying it and wasn't pleased with your answer.

"Oh come on (Y/N) you can tell me anything! Who do you like?" He pressed and you sweat dropped and your blush darkened as you looked away and off to the side. You saw Lucy peeking her head in the room and was mouthing "come on (Y/N)! Tell him! You can do it!" You sighed and nodded your head a little and saw Lucy smirk as she shut the door. You looked back at Loke who had a confused look on his face. You gave him a small smile and took a deep breath gathering up all of your courage.

"I love you Loke!" You blurted out with a bright red face and looking at the ground with your eyes closed. When you didn't hear anything you opened your eyes and glanced up at him and seen him giving you a soft smile.

"I love you too (Y/N)" He said as you looked up at him and he leaned down and kissed you which you kissed back immediately. 

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