The fanfiction fanfic(myler)

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Smut warning! Some serious Myler action ahead ;)

Marcus' pov

I got up from the sofa to turn off the camera. "Holy moly.." I muttered as took it off the tripod. "That was intense" " I know " Tyler chuckled. Do you wanna film the rest of the scenes now?" I asked him. "Oh yeah, I'd sure like to film some bed scenes with you Marcus" he said, trying not to break out in laughter as he brought his finger up to his lip seductively. Didn't work through as we both giggled at this joke.

"Ok so I put my leg... What did it say oh yeah up here". We were in my bedroom, the camera was set up again and we were lying in bed. "Now you slide your hand up my leg to my ass" Tyler told me after he checked the story again. I had to concentrate really hard because my hands were shaking. I always tried to deny my feelings towards Tyler but this fanfiction had finally opened my eyes. I was enjoying this way too much regarding Tyler was obviously just joking around all the time as he does that with everybody all the time. This was just his humour so it clearly had nothing to say that he watched my face closely as I let my face wander up his thigh. He was most likely just acting it out so the viewers would fangirl even more when that saw this. I decided to squeeze his butt to make him squeal and lighten the mood again, as it would seem to him that was just playing along mocking about the situation. And frankly also because this was probably the only time I could grab his bottom and get away with it. I stared at him as he didn't squeal but actually moan as I did. He looked me dead in the eyes. We kept staring for what seemed like for ever. I tried to figure this out, I wasn't sure if he was that good of an actor as I found what looked like a sparkle of lust in his eyes.

Tyler's pov

My heart was beating faster as he stared into my eyes. What to do now? I needed to decide quickly as this seemed to be the perfect opportunity. But this was risky. I never even thought Marcus was gay, so what if he was seriously offended. I didn't wanna loose him as a friend. I watched him closely as his hand started moving. I swallowed hard to hide that my breath had hitched as he touched my butt. My eyes wandered over his face, looking for the slightest movement of muscles that might give him away. My eyebrows shot up in surprise as he's grip tightened suddenly. I couldn't help the moan escaping my mouth. He looked at me in shock but didn't say a thing. After a while of staring I came to the conclusion that we probably both tried to figure out what the other one was thinking. I took a deep breath and told myself that he would've backed out already if he didn't feel any of this because the scene we wanted to shoot was long over already. Before my thoughts could properly get to the camera that was still running I realised in the back of my mind, it happened. His hand shot up to the back of my head, brushing lightly through my hair. I couldn't believe this was happening as I leaned down slowly, still not entirely sure if this was real and then my mind went blank. The only thing existing right now where Marcus' lips on mine and his hand still lingering on my bum. It truly felt like electricity was sparkling between out lips as we started to move in sync. I could feel his hot breath as he slowly opened his mouth and slipped his tongue out, touching my lip for a second before I already gave him access. I moaned loudly as our tongues met and he dipped deeper into my mouth in response. I started running my hands along his wide chest, soon getting annoyed with the fabric so I roughly pulled it over his head and let my head fall down immediately, connecting my lips to his jawline gently sucking on the skin before biting down hard on his shoulder. His sucked in a sharp breath and his hand shot up from my bum, not without squeezing it one last time , and pulled on the hem of my shirt. I quickly rid myself of it as well as my jeans that were by now uncomfortably tight around my private parts. He watched me closely and a smile crept on his face as I started unbuckling his jeans as well. He wiggled the off as I crawled back up the be on the same level as him. I grabbed his shoulders and slammed my lips onto his once again, hungry for the taste of his lips and eager for his touch on my bare skin I turned us around so he was now half on top of me. I broke the kiss and whispered breathless into his ear. "So you wanted to get all deep for this, if I remember correctly?" I was surprised at the raspiness of my own voice. "Or did you wanna get to know that feeling of pleasure and pain" I groaned huskily as my stomach started tingly at the mere thought of it. I found a hint of fear in his face as he didn't know what to answer. I fumbled for my jeans that was still halfway hanging on the bed besides us and quickly retrieved a condom from my pocket that I ripped open. His eyes widened as I let my hands wander down along our touching torsos and his brows shot up as I lightly touched his thigh, realising what I was up too. I stroked up his side and back down along the v line, just lightly tracing my fingertips over his skin. I stopped for a second as I reached his base. My eyes didn't leave his for a split second as I slowly slip my fingers over his shaft. As I reached his tip I let my other hand fly up to his erection as well and slowly slid the condom over it, closing the other hand around him and slowly moving it back to the base, pumping him a few times after the condom was on. I then let my hand wander to his perky butt, squeezing tightly and pulling him slowly up so he was now completely on top of me.

Marcus' pov

I was shaking, partly with anticipation and partly because I was nervous. This was new to me but Tyler was quite experienced as I knew since he is very open about this topic. He must've sensed my insecurity as he gently pulled me down and kissed me tenderly, yet with great lust. He pulled on my bottom lip before he let go, not moving away so I could feel his breath tingle on my swollen lips. "Stretch me.." He whispered, his eyes still closed. "What?!" I asked before I thought about it. His eyes flew open as his famous giggle escaped from his lips. I blushed. Furiously. "I'll guide you" Tyler giggled as he took one of my hands in his and pulled it down. He smirked as he made my hand brush against his penis and wrapped his legs lightly around my body while he rummaged for something in his bag that was next to the bed. "Good thing I'm always prepared" he mumbled and just as I was about to ask I felt something wobbly and wet on my hand. Tyler let the bottle of lube fall down next to the bed and smirked up to me. Next thing I know my index finger was inside of him. He bit down on his lip and closed his eyes as I questioningly started moving it in and out a bit. The deep groan he produced as I curled my finger a little turned me on immensely. "More of that" he demanded from deep within his throat. I decided to slip my middle finger in as well. His eyes flew open in surprise and I was worried that I shouldn't have added a second finger but his wide grin told me otherwise. I curled my fingers again and he hissed. "Marcus" he whispered, the adorable little lisp making my heart melt. "Mhh?" I just moaned questioningly, I couldn't even produce words anymore. "I ... Now" Tyler demanded his voice quivering, sending chills down my spine. I lined myself up with him and dipped my head down slowly as I slid in, reaching his lips at the exact moment I filled him up completely. I could feel him relax into the kiss and started moving. Everything around me started flickering as I experienced unknown pleasures. The last thing I could see clearly as I thrusted in hard was Tyler's face and the beautiful glow the pure pleasure left on it as he came, clenching around my arousal. And then the fireworks behind m closing lids started exploding, making me forget everything for a short eternity. I didn't even bother opening my eyes as I pulled out of Tyler and collapsed half on top of him, as I didn't expect to be able to see anyways.

"That was" " intense" I finished his statement. "I was gonna say porn, but you're right... You know we let the camera on though...?"

Whoopwhoop. There ya go, hope there's some myler shippers out there.

As usual, I'd abso-friggin-lutely love to hear what you lovely people think of it so if you enjoyed it please vote and do feel.. Requested.. To leave a comment, since that'd absolutely make my day and I'll freaking love you for every word, wether you loved this or have critique, as long as it's helpful and honest I'll take it :)

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