Flame Lily

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To live and to love is to trap yourself in a dark abyss.There is no light when you love.There is a river filled with tears and hatred for every little body that came and lay on top of you.What is love?Do we know the meaning?

I called his name and he did not answer.My love.Isnt there somebody thats good and mearnt for everybody.Arent we all supposed to find our happiness eventually.Dont we all fear when we do we are broken beyond repair.That weve loved and lost the love.That weve hurt and weve become.All we know is pain,hurt,disappointment,tears,betrayal,bad sex,bad people,habits,abuse and everything we didnt come here for.

Its a catastrophe,my heart is broken and its a catastrophe.We fell in love in the dark.We built a family in the dark.We made promises in the dark.We made love in the dark.I was decieved in the dark.Damn love.Damn lies.Damn you.

I wonder how it feels to float on water.My body would sink ,as heavy as it is.I drowned in my tears.I smashed all the cups in my house and in his and still my heart was not fixed.I felt like a mess it stung like a bee.He left with another woman and i found another man to come and break me the same.

Intuition.My intuition.My foolish heart.Walking eyes open in traps because the person is different so the pain is different?No no stop doing this to yourself Lily.STOP

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