Oh Sakura

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"He's gone!" The guards yelled.
"What do you mean he's gone!" Iruka yelled, I could practically see the vein forming on his forehead.

"He's not in the carriage!"
"I know that idiot!"

Kakashi continued to sit while reading off of his red book. What was that book about anyway? He never took his eyes off it.

"Kakashi! Please help us!" Iruka practically cried.
He looked up from his book for a minute, as if debating wether it was worth the effort, and then proceeded to keep reading.

"What do we tell the Uchihas?! They'll be angry for sure!"
"Be quite! Don't you think I know that!" Iruka rubbed his temple stressfully.

While they were to busy arguing I decided to make a run for it, I grabbed the dark cloak to hide my orange clothes. Some would say it's a fashion disaster, I say it's the next big thing. Just like me. Believe it!

"The King won't be happy with this Naruto" Kakashi muttered. I jumped up in fear, he saw me...how? my ninja skills were on point.

"I'm not marrying anyone!" I whispered before running into the the bushes surrounding the Castle.

3 hours later:

"I warned you Naruto" Kakashi sighed as he carried me on his back.

"How'd you find me anyway" I pouted as I wrapped my arms around his neck, I was about to sell my robes for some commoner clothing.
"Some of the villagers spread word about a young blonde boy with blue eyes"
"There are plenty of blue eyes blonde people in this world" I muttered.
"..with orange clothes"
"...well that is just awful! What's wrong with orange. It's bright and cheerful! Everyone here is dark and gloomy, you guys should give it a try"

"Naruto..." Kakashi stopped.
"What" I was put down, before I could make a run for it he grabbed a hold of my collar.

"Kakashi, thank you for finding him....I'll take him from here.." oh no.....
Please no.....

"So you ran away" he smiled menacingly, his forehead vain larger then ever.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you...Iruka..."

Uchiha Kingdom

"YOU CHOSE WHAT!!!" Itcahi yelled as his younger brother explained what had occurred during the meeting.

"I already made a decision...besides....Naruto sounds....lovely"
"Sounds lovely! You don't know who he is!! You don't know how he looks! How he acts! What if he's not your type!?"

"It's not like I had a variety of options to begin with and he's definitely better than that pink haired princess"

"Morning darling" Izumi smiled as she walked towards the royal dining table.
"Morning love" Itachi smiled as he stood up to greet her. They gave each other a small peck before sitting down to eat breakfast.

"So I hear you've chosen Naruto as your bride"
"Yes..does it bother you-"
"Good Morning!!" A familiar high pitched yell disturbed the happy aura surrounding the uchihas.


Izumi cleared her throat a smiled, "as I was saying, I'm overjoyed Sasuke, to confess... I knew the little fox myself when he was just a boy...well actually itachi knew him too as-well!" Her eyes lit up.
"Itachi?!" Sasuke exclaimed.
Sakura sat uncomfortably, had they not noticed her presence.

"I was getting there...." he tiredly laughed, "Naruto was the reason we got together..." he moved his gaze to Izumi's eyes.
"Naruto and his father had gone out to eat in celebration of his 10th birthday, he chose to eat at his favorite ramen shop...he has a thing-"
"Obsession!" Izumi interrupted.
"Correct, he has an obsession with ramen. I sat down next to Izumi after coming for a meeting with the Haruno Kingdom" he nodded towards Sakura. She nervously smiled back.

"It was the cutest thing, the little fox ran towards us and yelled at us to just get married already" Izumi laughed.
"We were arguing over what to order! Why would we consider getting married?!" Itachi raised an eyebrow.

"Because we sounded like an old married couple. Thanks to Naruto we finally got the courage to confess to each other...I'm forever grateful to him. I'm glad he'll be married to you and we'll all be a big happy family!"
Sasuke smiled as he watched his brother and his wife laugh happily.

"Naruto is the most stubborn, annoying, and irritating person I know! All he ever wants to eat is Ramen! He used to have a huge crush on me-"
"I think we finished eating!" Izumi interrupted Sakura with a smile.
"Yes, I have some business to attend" Itachi smiled.
"I have to look for my bride, excuse me"

Everyone excused themselves from the table leaving Sakura alone.

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