The turkey was already on the dinner table along with a massive amount of sides to go with it. Mom went all out she had the biscuits next to the mash potatoes. The list could go on and on we had made cranberry sauce, cornbread, maccaroni and cheese, greenbean casserole, sweet potatoes, cornbread pudding, salad, corn, lasanga, deviled eggs, baked ham.

We've been cooking for hours already and just finished at 6

"The sides alone would get our guests full" I said to my mom while I put the last of the sides down on the table.

"Well thats kind of the point honey, we made food enough for 12 people"

"Uhm mom?" I asked 

"Yeah hon?"

 "I totally forgot about dad and Kris, where have they been the whole day?

"Oh, I could've sworn I told you Olivia. Your father and brother were at your fathers friend's house watching the football game"

"When are they coming?"

"Oh im sure they'll be here soon sweetheart, now go on upstairs and get ready"

Ready? I thought about it then I looked down to see I was still in my pjs with an apron splattered with food 

I took off the apron and ran as fast as I could upstairs I got into the shower to wash up, I got out of the shower to look in my closet. I settled for a khaki knitt sweater, jeans, and leather boots. I curled my hair and just in time the door rang.

I quickly made my way downstairs and opened the door 

Once I opened the door I instantly regreted it, Blake stood there with flowers and his parents were right behind him.

"Its nice to see you Mr and Mrs. Williams " I said as I gave them hugs and led them in the living room. 

"Its good to see you too" Mr. Williams said 

"Olivia, wheres your mother? I brang some wine for her" Mrs. Williams said 

"Oh well shes still in the kitchen" I said and pointed towards the kitchen. Mr. Williams took the flowers from Blakes hand when both of them made their way into there, I was going to go with them but I was stopped when Blake held my hand 

"Liv" he said 

"Yeah Blake?" I turned to face him

"Im really sorry about last night its just that I.."

I went closer to him and cupped his cheeks 

"Its okay, I get it we all have a past and if your not ready to tell me about it then so be it, im not going to pressure you about it.. but what you did yesterday was a little rude" I told him 

" Thanks Babe and about what I did, Im really sorry about that I didn't know what came over me"

"Its fine" We hugged and I thought we were finally over that stump in our relationship but everyone knows its always calm before the storm 

The door opened as we were hugging, My dad and Kris walked in with my dad's guests 

We seperated but Blake's face was shocked, his eyes were huge and his mouthed opened like he wanted to say something but couldn't, he just stood their paralyzed. 

I looked over to my dad's guests, there was a middle aged couple both were like my parents, they looked too young and pretty for their age. The father had blonde hair and blue eyes and a little bit of wrinkles while the mother had brown hair and brown eyes with a prettyface. Their daughter looked absolutely stunning big blue eyes, naturally light brown hair. a button nose, oval face. By the looks of her, she was a very natural beauty with a body that could kill.

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