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Authors note: hey all! This time I'm gonna do something different, I'm going to do a short story and I need feed back to know if I should keep doing it, or scrap it and stick to poetry, I got this idea from a slim dusty song called 'the day I went back home' and I got to thinking what it would look like in a story, and thus this story was born! hope you enjoy it

The road was dusty and empty, the grass on either side of the old gravel road was tall and wild, the pastures behind the fences were better kept, but he remembered when a farm stood where the cattle yard now rested......every few miles he saw the same scene, the farms had vanished, and all that remained of the past glory were rusted and ancient barb wire fences that marked the old paddocks.

He pulled up to his old driveway and drew a deep shuddering breath..... he had been away for years, this place held ghosts for him, he wasn't afraid to admit that....the old home paddock was more well looked after then those further down, the sticky beaks clung to his trouser leg and the scent of wild wattle pushed against his nose and filled his chest with their spicy scent.

He smiled a little wistfully at the memories that invaded his mind, he shook them off and trudged up to the door, opening it and stared inside.....

The place looked so sad.....bare, empty and lonely. he felt sadness grip his chest and guilt rip into his heart, he looked into the kitchen and remembered his mother singing an Irish folk song as she baked the damper and broiled the silverside loaf, the dinning room too brought back memories, his father dancing with his mother as a bush fiddler played a jaunty tune.....

He walked around to the tanks that held water and some that held milk, he could practically see his father puffing on a corn cob pipe with a cup of bush tea and a plate of scones with cream and jam.....

He walked around the over grown back paddocks, he stayed near the river flat for awhile and watched as the sun slowly set.....he sighed as he felt a familiar feeling deep in his heart, a feeling of.....restlessness, a sense that he shouldn't be here, he should be on the road.

He turned away from the river flat and walked along the road, into the sun, and away from memories that would last for eternity.....

Authors note: so? how was it? should I keep the idea, or just stick to poetry? let me know, silver fox out!

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