Will You?

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The silence was repeated in the office Vongola Decima, which sounds were streaking between paper and pen rubbing. When a high figure which quietly entered the room and stood at the front desk petit brunette who was busy taking care of her damn paper works that filling her desk.

"Tsu-" he had not yet told the brunet, his words been cut by her.

"I'm sorry Hibari-san, I'm busy. Oh, when you come out later, please close the door. "Command Tsuna who still do not see the person in front of him.

". . . ."

Hibari went out and shut the door leaving brunette alone.


Will You?




Kateikyoshi Hitman Reborn © Amano Akira

Story and Author by Yuukinatsuki (Or Natsuyuuki)

A Thousand Years © Christina Perri

Marry You © Bruno Mars

Pairing(s) : HibaTsu (18Fem27), slight 8059

Rating : T

Warning(s) : Yaoi, Grammar, Typo(s), OOCs and etc.

Genre : Humor and Roman






Lunch time was the time that always eagerly awaited by all the inhabitants of the mansion mainly by Decima and Guardians Vongola.

A man aged twenty years quickened his pace to get in the dining room more quickly than others. He had to convince himself this time he would tell her whatever happens.

He then opened the door only saw brunet who were there.

Good. This time he would say it.

"Tsunayoshi." he called in monotone as usual.

"Hmm?" Brunet then smiled sweetly when she saw Hibari who was coming first after her "Hibari-san!"

"Tsunayoshi, would you-" again, his words clipped.

"JUUUDDAAAAIIMMMEE" shouted storm guard at the entrance "We have a problem! Aquila Famiglia requested the meeting be changed to this day ! We did not have time anymore! We have to go now!" Gokudera then hold Tsuna's wrist and take her away from there.

"Go- Gokudera-kun!" shouted brunette.

". . . . ."

"Chaos Hibari!" greeted adult Reborn who had just entered and saw an unusual sight since his student and Hibari in relationship.

"Hn." What. His upset because this time he could not invite brunet date.

Reborn just smirked "Need help?" Asked hitman who already know the purpose of the Raven.

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