✦ Chapter 2 ✦

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Odessa Pov

Sometimes I lay awake at night, ever since I was born in this realm. I always felt a disturbance that caused me to stay awake and complain. I find it interesting to a point but sometimes it gets extremely annoying. Especially the fact that someone threw a blade into my stomach yesterday and just stood there watching me. I found that extremely odd and it had me wondering to the fact if there are items that damage gods and mythical creatures of Greek mythology out there still.

Well, I'm not in my own bed tonight, I'm in another's and it's mostly not by choice. It's because my wolf found our mate. An original hybrid that is hell-bent on making more hybrids who knows little to no information on me because I'm too scared to open up to what's mine and that is bad. Like I can't tell him I'm way older than him and I'm because of a legend, and like no. I don't want to scare him.

I gotten to know names with faces, not that I already knew names? Well, I did, but I never had the chance to meet them at all until now. It was Kol who asked me was I speaking Greek and it's Kol who I have to watch out for if I am to keep this huge secret from my mate. He can't read my thoughts because I'm blocking him out. I don't want to do it but I am over thinking everything and everything needs to stay in a nice and neat pile in my brain.

Elijah, he's the one that claims of nobility, of course, he is true to his word. But I know from relayed information that he isn't the prettiest to be around when he is pissed off or hungry, and I mean like really hungry. But it's his passion for reading that worries me. He could have read everything and anything on Greek mythology, I wouldn't put it past him. He's too smart and will warn his family if he sees me as a danger. But in fact, he sees me as his brother's redemption.

Kol, he's the black sheep of the family. The outcast that is still trying to find himself in this realm. He slaughtered countless of people without thinking. He also slaughtered off followers of Silas. To my knowledge, Kol is afraid of Silas and what will happen when he wakes up. I am afraid too because Silas will bring back the dead and kill off the gods when he gets his hands on that sword. Kol would want me dead if he knew how old I was and what I am.

Rebekah, she the female version of Niklaus. The exact carbon copy except for the fact that she is just an original vampire. I heard her stories multiple times, they were always sad. A princess who couldn't find a love that loved her back, in other words. But what I found most pitiful is the fact that she fell for a hunter and he nearly wiped them out in one single motion. I am rooting for Rebekah to find her soulmate.

Finn, he loved his mother. He claims to have virtue, it's his ego that is the only thing that I can see. Except for that fact that he is pleading with his eyes to end his suffering. In fact, Finn didn't choose this life, he never wanted to be a vampire that was tied down by blood. He would have rather die a witch and that is somewhat most witches would have done if they were turned into a vampire.

Niklaus, my mate. A thousand-year-old hybrid that has thought his existence out to be a bastard and abomination. He has shown his enemies great shame from what he was. He was cursed for his whole life until recently when he broke the curse and founded his own race of vampire-werewolves which became hybrids. Two species breading together to create one. I wonder if I feel the pain that he carries. He has killed the most and didn't shed a tear. I doubt that I would be able to break through him and set him right.


I opened my eyes removing Nik's arms from my waist which caused him to wrap around tighter. No, before you even think anything, we didn't sleep together, like mate or anything like that. I choose not to return home and in fact, I fell asleep in his bed. I simply slept in bed with him without a word and he said nothing but pull me into his chest. I unwrapped his arms from my waist and rolled carefully off the bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2019 ⏰

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