Chapter 6

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I let a nervous giggle as I look up at him. "I'm sorry sir, you just startled me. I wasn't paying attention." I lift my arm to try and block some of the glare. Yet all I see is a large dark shadow. The man must stand around 6-foot-4-inches, A lot taller than I am - that's for sure.

"How rude of me ma'am, let's move into the shade so you aren't blinded." I smile and nod at the mystery man. We walk over to a park bench that I had recently put in, it is under the cover of a large oak tree. Sitting down I can't help but admire the man's appearance. He is absolutely gorgeous. "My name is Ezekiel King, I couldn't help but notice you working today. And I must say that I do admire all of your work. You have been doing a magnificent job in fixing up the old sanctuary. But I was wondering if you were looking for a worker of sorts." Ezekiel's deep and smooth voice send shivers of pleasure down my spine.

He looks like the perfect male. Staring at him it takes me a moment to register the words falling past his lips. I blinked once, then twice before I make an actual thought in my head. I don't have a lot of money at the moment to pay him for his work - not for a while anyways.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Ezekiel, I'm Kallista Violette. And I'm not sure what kind of work you are looking for. I'm afraid to say that I don't have much money to offer you in return." I say sorrowful that I may not be able to help Ezekiel, he seems like a wonderful man.

"It's an honor to meet you Kallista, and I do not wish for money in return. Although, I would enjoy to be able to take you out on a date. If you would allow that is." His eyes light up, dancing with joy. I can't help but smile and blush softly. All of a sudden his previous compliments pop back into my head making me blush brighter I shake the thoughts that pop into my mind away.

"Well, you don't have work for me to ask me out. I'm not sure it would be fair for you to work for me, and then take me out for a date." This man makes me feel things that no one should for a stranger. He wants to work for me and then take me out - I couldn't allow that. I would offer to pay, although I don't think that he would allow it.

"I insist, It would be a lovely treat. Getting to know you, would be well worth the work. I love working with my hands anyways. It looks like the sanctuary is on a large amount of land, I'd love to help and build outdoor habitats for some of the animals. I think it would be a great addition." I watch the secretive smile form on his lips. My eyes widen at his words. I was telling Handsome that I would love to add outdoor habitats!

"I was actually thinking of adding outdoor habitats, I'm sure the animals would love to heal and explore the outdoors during their time of recovery here. I must say that I can work with my hands, I am not the best at it. I am far too clumsy to not get injured when I work with my hands." A laugh falls from my lips as I look up at Ezekiel. That's one of the things I am not really good with, powertools, they've always made me nervous.

"Your hands are far too delicate to be doing rough work. I would think that your hands are far too soft and gentle to be doing anything that could harm you." I blush and shake my head at him, gently pushing his shoulder. He has gotten me very flustered. Which is a little unnerving - not in a bad way though.

"Oh hush, you're making me blush. But I must say that you are striking a hard deal to turn down. If you really want to help and work here for today, I will allow it. But I cannot allow you to pay for our date." As I looked up at him, I have a feeling that this man is going to mean something very special to me, just like Handsome.

After a few hours I must say that Ezekiel has been so helpful. After our chat earlier, I had decided to give him a tour of both the inside and outside of the property. He managed to get me to share most of my thoughts on what I wanted to do with the place. He had some great ideas, and he listened to mine, and gave me suggestions. Ezekiel is an incredible man; very intelligent and strong.

He offered to help me fix up one of the run in sheds that was in one of the pastures. My Lord! The man knows exactly how things should look. And he offered some great ideas, it is almost creepy with how he almost has some of the same thoughts that I do. As we worked side by side, him taking down and replacing wood. Me doing the light work, I must admit that I enjoyed it. It was really fun working by his side, I have never been this content, well other than with Handsome.

Finishing up for the day, I can't help but smile at all of the work we got done. "Thank you so much Ezekiel! I doubt I could have gotten all of that work done in any fashionable amount of time." I smile at him as we walk into one of the side entrances. Putting away what we had used to fix up the run in shed. We had to replace the tin roof, and I am hoping to repaint it within the near future.

"It has been my pleasure I must say. You have been an amazing companion while working. I enjoyed spending time together." I listen to him, hanging off of his words as he looked down at me. I figured that I would need at least a few days to get the roof redone. There is still some minor details, but nothing major. 

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