There would be no way her mother would find it acceptable for them to be together under her roof, Sue had warned him in the car.

Jack felt his shirt sliding off his shoulders. He pulled back and discarded it. Her hands moved from his chest to his back as he felt soft kisses on his chest. It was the lightest touch possible and it drove him mad. He took her mouth back, not trusting himself if she kept going. His fingers caressed her throat before trailing down, encountering their first obstacle. The tiny button slid easily through the hole. Meticulously, he returned the favour, one button at a time. His lips left hers to slowly part the shirt and travel along the path his fingers traced earlier. His tongue circled around her belly button and her slow moaning fuelled his passion. Her fingers ran in his hair as she forced his head back up to her and captured his lips. He rested on his elbow, easing the kiss into a teasing exchange as the tip of his tongue traced her lips.


He could hear the frustration in her soft whisper. She could feel his chest moving as he chuckled.

I-L-O-V-E-Y-O-U, he signed in her hand.

"I love you, too, Jack."

Once their breathing had returned to normal, he left her side and turned a light on. His gaze lingered on her as her open shirt revealed the lovely yellow bra. He shook his head, grinning. Maybe it was a good thing the lights were off. She got up and grabbed a nightshirt from her bag before monopolizing the bathroom for a long shower.

He safely tucked Jay in the middle of the bed. Later on, when he wrapped Sue in his arms, she smelled like wild flowers after a summer rain.


When Jack woke up on Wednesday morning, he had the uncanny sensation he was missing something. The warm body in is arms moaned softly. He wondered if he was in her dreams. He hoped so. His hand was on her belly and his fingers gently teased her, accentuating the intensity of her dream. He kissed her neck and froze before sitting up and looking around.

His sudden movement woke Sue instantly as she caught the panic in his eyes. "Jack, what's wrong?"

He breathed deeply, forcing himself to relax. Jay was still sound asleep in the bed next to them.

"It's okay," he told her, lying down with her. "It... it surprised me that Jay wasn't in our bed."

He tried to downplay it, but Sue's concerned expression told him she wasn't buying it.

"Jack, do you know something I don't? And I advise you not to lie to me," she warned him.

"I wouldn't lie to you. I may keep the truth from you, but I would never lie. And no... I don't know anything more than you do, except... except, my instincts are flashing red lights in front of me... and for the life of me, I cannot see what I am missing."

She couldn't hear the frustration in his voice, but she could see it in his eyes.

"Jack, if you think we shouldn't go to my parents, we don't need to. We could drive north and crossed the border. Jamieson wouldn't look for us in Canada." Her face lit up at the idea. "I could phone them instead to announce the news."

"I think you like that idea too much, Sue." Jack knew she was apprehensive of facing her parents, not her parents exactly... her mother. Maybe it was rubbing off on him. "Listen, we don't need to stay long. We can spend only one night, and then drive wherever you decide." He played in her hair, generating a smile as his fingers moved behind her ear, down her neck, to her throat, slowly retracing last night voyage... only to be interrupted by a little bundle of raw energy.

Voyage of Discovery (Sue Thomas FBEye)Where stories live. Discover now