Chapter 1

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"Kallista, honey, do you think that you can spare some time to come and help? I have an emergency that I need help with-" Maria is a long time family friend; more like family really. After hearing her distress I agree immediately. I don't even have to question my decision. I've always been like that: very headstrong. My parents always joked about how I was like a bull stubborn and strong in my ways. Never one to really take no for an answer, but one to listen to reason. Well enough that I stay out of trouble anyways.

I look down at the adorable outfit I had chosen for the day. And decide that I really don't want to change so early in the day. The outfit of the day is a long sleeved v-neck midi dress. It's a simple navy blue, accented with some maroon socks, with a cream lace trim - a bow is an added detail that brings it together. I look over my shoe collection to find the pair I had planned to wear; knee high boots, a pair of three-inch-high-heel lace up boots, in a coffee brown. Raising my eyes I attempt to locate my keys, wallet, and knife as I lace up my boots.

I always get asked why I carry a knife - simply because its useful - in more ways than one. Sure I can use it for self defense. Or I can use it to open up some packaging. Simple things like that. One can never be too careful; at least not in my experience. I smile at the thought, I mean that would be a fun argument to try and win. How could someone be too careful, that's like being too safe. It rarely happens, at least that's my opinion of the matter.

Making my way down stairs I grab my sunglasses as I shout out to my parents "By Momma and Papa, I'm going to go see Maria!" The front door of my parents' house has a nasty tendency to get stuck - making it hard to open. I am forced to yank it open, drawing it back closed as I make my way down the stairs. I jump into my jeep, literally. You see I'm not very tall, I'm only 5-feet-high. But it could be worse, I could be like 4-foot-5-inches. Driving down the road I start singing softly to the song that is playing on the radio, Yours By Russell Dickerson. It has to be one of my favorite songs. I love the meaning of the song, I want to find a love like that-like my parents have.

Sighing wistfully as I pull into the sanctuary, and see that it is in need of some care. Stepping out I look around and smile seeing some of the animals playing outside. The door is flung open; drawing my attention I see Maria appear in the now open door. We both seem to be thinking a like - or we are just polite; as we start moving towards one another. I smile and wave up to her making my way up the small front steps onto the welcoming porch. At least it was welcoming at one point. "Hey! Maria, how are you?" I ask embracing her in a hug, feeling her warmth wash over me, like the sun.

"I'm doing wonderful Darling, how are you?" She responds as we make light chatter making our way inside. I can't help but take notice at how much work this place needs to have done. The once vibrant paint is now dirty and cracked, some portions are even falling off of the wall. The once spotless floors are now covered in a dark layer of grim in most areas. The tile floors which were brand new only a few years before - already appearing to be older than the building.

"What happened here Maria?" I ask as we walk down one of the hallways that is lined with many doors. Lights flicker, similar to a horror movie I had recently seen. I shiver at the thought of the creepy atmosphere a broken light now created. It's funny how such a little detail can change the whole vibe of a building. The halls of this building used to be so happy - alive with an aura of warmth and comfort. It all has changed to a neglected building; one that has lost its purpose.

She chose to ignore me as she opened one of the few doors that doesn't have a window looking in. I am guessing that this is one of the rehab rooms that are for the more dangerous animals. Or animals that are meant to be either released or moved to another rehabilitation center. The room is covered in layers of filth, dust covers objects in a thick blanket.

A soft whine comes from a small cage making me look towards the injured animal. "Kallista, I need you to look at this wolf, he hasn't been acting right." It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that this wolf has been injured and isn't doing well. My jaw drops open, and I look at her - my face morphing into one of pure shock and a little disgust. Waiting a moment in the hopes that I won't need to say anything for her to continue. I quickly give up that hope opting for the more direct - straightforward option.

"Of course he isn't acting right! Look at him! He looks pitiful, what happened to him?" I walk forward, falling to my knees in front of his cage. The poor thing, he looks so dejected. I reach and grab the bars that keep us separated, looking at the large bandage that covers his torso. The white of the bandage long ago changed to a much dirtier color. I can see small amounts of dried blood on the outside of the bandage.

His water bowl looks dirty and the water hasn't been cleaned probably in days. The inside of the cage looks more like a fake forest, cluttered with nonsense. The fake shrubbery does little but cause respiratory issues. The small amount of dirt looks more like a gravel pit with a small amount of dirt - sand maybe. His enclosure looks more like an animals prison, why are things in such bad shape?

"I'm not sure what happened. I just wrapped up his wounds and stuck him in there." I can't stop the look of horror that covers my face. She hasn't had him checked? I do a double take staring at her then briefly looking at the wolf. She has to be joking - right?

"Maria! You can't just do that, what if he is infected or something? Why didn't you call me, you know that I am a vet, I can help him! What is going on here? This place looks like it's falling apart!" I'm getting worked up, I am really concerned for the animals, and her. I know that she had been going through a rough patch but she never really spoke of it. At least not with me - although I do remember her asking for money from my parents - at one point.

"Kallista don't use that tone with me! I just haven't wanted to come to work lately, so things have deteriorated. I don't want to work here anymore. I'm tired of this, I wanted to tell you that it's yours now." My mouth drops open as she speaks, she grabs her bag, and walks out the door. What on earth is she talking about! She does know that she can't just drop a bomb like this on a person!

"Maria, what are you talking about, you can't just give it to me! I already have a veterinary practice to run!" I can't help but call after her as I walk to the door. Her form retreats, I watch her walk through the door. The woman that I have respected for so long, destroys a small amount of me. How could she do something like this. I notice that she hasn't walked back in, telling me a lot more than her words have this entire time.

Turning towards the wolf; my jaw snaps closed as I stare at him. "What am I going to do now?" I whisper as I walk towards him again gripping the bars I rest my head against them as I look at him. My head follows him as he moves towards his water bowl. That thing should be burned - I internally gag as he bends to get a drink. "Oh yucky! Don't drink that, let me get you some clean water, and check your wounds."

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