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Days pass agonizingly slow and I tell Stephan that I'm going to die of boredom soon. 

"You only have a few days left of bed rest," he laughs, "you'll be fine." 

I snort my response, giving him the stink eye. My hand wanders to my stomach and I'm itching again. 

Stephan snatches my hand up. "Stop," he says sternly, bringing my fingers to his lips, "I might have to tie you up." 

I wink playfully. "I might like that." 

Stephan gives a chuckle while smirking. "We'll see about that." He bends down to kiss me; his lips are soft, his breath sweet. I'm breathing his scent in and his hands are cupping my face and I'm in heaven. My nervous jitters seem to dissipate as he's kissing me. I know better than to get my hopes up about us fooling around at all; I'm still healing and he knows that. Even though I want to, I know we can't. He goes to pull me into a deeper kiss when his phone starts to ring. 

Stephan pulls away with an irritated sigh and I'm not sure if I'm agitated or relieved. He pecks my lips. "Another time." 

I gnaw at my bottom lip as he whips out his cell phone. "Hello?" 

"I need to talk to you. This is important." I can hear his father on the other end and my heart spikes in nervousness. 

Stephan glances at me before answering. "What is it?" 

"Are you alone?" 

Stephan's eyebrows furrow. "Um, what-" 

"Your mate cannot hear this, you need to be alone, Stephan." The Alpha's voice is stern, a no questioning tone in it. Stephan quirks an eyebrow on my direction and I shrug, not really caring if I hear it now or not. 

Stephan mouths I'm sorry, then steps out of the room. While he's gone, I busy myself by scratching the hell out of my super itchy stomach. 

When Stephan steps back into the room, his face is grim. "What's wrong?" I question hesitantly. 

My mate just huffs, "Tell you a later." 

I narrow my eyes but I don't question him further. My eyes follow him as he walks over to his desk on the far side of the room, digging through drawers. Papers fall onto the ground as he shuffles through his things. He flips over multiple papers, silver eyes scanning each one, before he finally slams the drawer. I jump at the sound but stay silent, not wanting to anger him further. It's weird how his mood had changed so fast. He marches past me, making a wave of air hit me gently, and yanks open his closet, searching a leather jacket's pockets. His hand reappears holding a taser. I raise my eyebrows but he says nothing as he opens his dresser drawers. 

Stephan pulls out a belt, but by taking a closer look, it looks like a belt the police wear where they can holster their weapons. My nerves spike and I'm chewing on my lip.


He ignores me and pulls a pistol out of his dresser drawer and holsters it. "Weres are being murdered," he says gruffly, patting his pockets. A frustrated growl leaves his lips and he is once again digging through his dresser. 

"Murdered?" I gasp. "By who?" 

Stephan pulls out a large hunting knife and stuffs it in his sock before pulling out two daggers and shoving them up his sleeves. He stops at my question and turns to me, his eyes gleaming with something I can't put my finger on. 


I flinch. "But why? How do humans even know werewolves exist?" 

Stephan just shrugs. He puts on his leather jacket and I have to admit, he looks damn sexy in leather. When he pauses, his gray eyes meet mine, and my stomach drops. 

"What's wrong?" 

He purses his lips, face tight. "I'm just worried." I can feel my nerves rising. "They've been kidnapping the mates of weres to... force them to reproduce so they can have werewolves in captivity and control them."

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