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"Can you take me home?" 

Stephan looked up from where he was cleaning the dishes and putting them into the dishwasher. He had provided me with some of his clothes though they were huge on me considering how muscular and tall he was. "Now?" 

"No, once you're done." 

He stopped and turned to me. "You already want to go home? How come?" 

I didn't want to tell him it was because my pain was steadily getting worse and I needed to be alone. "Tired. I want to go to sleep." As a second thought, I added, "In my own bed." He looked at me and for a moment, I thought he could see through my lie. He probably could. 

"Okay, once I'm done, I'll take you home," he said, turning back around to finish the dishes. I felt bad. He wanted to spend time with me but I couldn't let him or myself get too attached. Though I knew it was already happening and I prayed I could break it off before it got too serious. 

When the dishes were loaded, he took me home like he promised. 

Pulling up to the side of the house, we both stared at it. I didn't want to get out, not really. I wanted to stay curled up next to Stephan and watch movies and eat his delicious food with him like a normal couple. But I couldn't. I wasn't normal. 

"Thanks for the ride," I said, opening the door. 

"Do you need help getting inside?" He asked. "I could carry you-" 

I quickly cut him off, "No thanks, I got this." Because if you did carry me I might never want to let go-

"Are you sure? I could-" 

"No!" I snapped. "I don't need your help! Leave me alone!" I slammed the door hard and began limping up to my house. The tears were coming. I could feel it. Come on, go faster! 

I heard another car door slam. "I just wanted to help you!" I heard Stephan shout. Not turning around, I yelled, "I don't need your help!" 

Tears were already running down my face and the pain in my leg and stomach grew. "That's not what you said when you were crying on me last night!" 

My hands shook as I tried to unlock my door. "I needed out of there, that was the only reason." My heart felt like it had been stomped on as I said that. 

At first, he didn't reply and I thought he had left but then I heard, "So you only did that to get out of there?" I bit my tongue to stop myself from sobbing aloud. 

"Yeah," I forced myself to say snarkily, "I told you. I don't want to be mates with you." 

Finally my door was unlocked and I limped inside. "But you were all over me today, why's that?" His voice was angry but I could hear hurt under the anger. 

"You were just a shoulder to cry on," I said, shrugging. "And you had made food and I was hungry." I swiped my tears away, trying to keep my voice steady as I took my shoes off. 

"So that's it?" I heard him say angrily, "I'm just for your convenience? Someone who feeds you when you're hungry and let's you cry on them?" 

I keep myself from turning around and running into his arms as sobs threaten to break loose. "Pretty much." 

Stephan got back into his truck and started it up. "I'll remember that!" He growled, before peeling away from my house, tires screeching. I shut my door and watched him leave out of the window.

Once he was out of sight, I collapsed onto the ground in pitiful sobs and cried and cried. I cried so hard my lungs heaved for a break and I couldn't breathe. I ended up puking up my breakfast into the trash can. 

My leg pulsed with pain as I limped to my makeshift bed. The pain was crippling in my stomach and all I could do was curl into a ball and pray that I would just die already. 


I didn't see Stephan the next day. I didn't blame him. I wouldn't have went to see me either after what I had said to him. 

I felt worse than usual and ill. I was guessing it was the mate bond. I wanted to call Stephan and tell him the truth. Tell him why I kept pushing him away. But I didn't have a phone and I couldn't tell him I was dying... 

My wounds were healing slower than normal. Normally a werewolf has greater strength and heals faster than a human, but I wasn't. I cursed my body to hell and back. 

I couldn't do anything besides lay around and sleep. The pain was worse today. I vomited and vomited until I was throwing up bile then puked some more. I retched so much I knew my stomach was less than empty. 

Laying there, I mostly thought of Stephan. His kind smile, beautiful eyes, his accent, that gorgeous body, his soft lips that I never got to kiss... 

My eyes brimmed and soon I was crying all over again. I wondered if Stephan was thinking about me, or if he knew I was thinking about him.

I had never felt so lonely before in my life. 


A knock on my door jerked me awake. I looked out my window to see the sun was up. I had no idea what time or day it was. 

Opening the door, a guy holding a beautiful bunch of roses greeted me. "Are you Tony Boulevard?" I nodded and he handed me the roses. "These are for you." 

I looked down to see a note taped to the stems. The guy walked back to his car then drove off and I retreated back inside. 

Setting the roses down, I opened the note and began reading. 

Dear Tony, 

I'm very sorry for the way I acted yesterday. Please accept these roses as an apology and I'll pick you up for dinner tonight at seven. Your choice of what to eat and where. See you soon~



I was already crying reading the note. I picked up the flowers, careful of the thorns, and breathed their wonderful scent in deep. I couldn't wait. 

What do you think will happen between them? 

Why is Tony acting the way he is? 

Tell me your answers in the comments below! 

Love always! 


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