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"Stephan!" A sing-songy voice came from the front door, which was thrown open. Both Stephan and I jumped. I looked up to see a well dressed woman waltz her way into the kitchen where Stephan and I were sitting, waiting for the pie my mate made to be done.  

Stephan stood up with a smile. "Bonjour maman.

She kissed both of his cheeks in greeting. "Oh bonjour mon petit chou! Je vous ai manque!" She turned to me and beamed. "Ce do it etre votre compagnon!" She grabbed my face and kissed both of my cheeks. I stood there, frozen. "Bonjour je suis Caroline. Ravi dear vous rencontrer!" 

Stephan coughed awkwardly. "Il parle seulement anglais maman." 

Stephan's mom blinked for a second then laughed. "I am so sorry!" I breathed a sigh of relief. Finally, something I understood. "I'm Caroline, nice to meet you! You're Stephan's mate, right?" 

I nodded. "I'm Tony. It's nice to meet you." 

"Oh my!" The Luna turned to Stephan. "You're mate is so mignonne Stephan!

Stephan smiled at me. "He is cute, isn't he?" I blushed when Stephan came over and kissed my temple. "Why don't you come in and have a seat, maman?" 

Caroline followed us to the living room where we all sat down. "When will Chloe and papa arrive?" 

Caroline looked up. "They should be here any minute. Your papa had to stop and get cigarettes, you know how he is." Caroline rolled her eyes and Stephan let out a breathy laugh. I shuffled uncomfortably, leaning into Stephan. "So how did you two meet?" I looked up to see she was talking to me. Oh no. 


"Actually in a store," Stephan quickly cut me off, saving me the trouble. 

"I was talking to Tony, Stephan. I'm sure the boy is more than capable for answering for himself!" 

I could feel myself relaxing and I chuckled. "We met at the CVS not too far away from here. Stephan asked me on a date right away!" 

The Luna laughed. "Typical of Stephan. Always eager, never patient!" 

"Oh hush maman," Stephan laughed. 

I sighed. I missed this. Laughing together with friends and family. I knew I would never get this back. It made my heart ache but I decided it wasn't worth wallowing in my self pity and I should just enjoy this while it lasted. If it lasted... 

"What's wrong beau?" Stephan was watching me with worrisome eyes. His mother was looking at me curiously. I smiled his way. 

"Nothing. I'm okay." 

My mate didn't seem convinced but kept quiet about it anyways. Stephan cracked a joke and soon the conversation was rolling again. 


It wasn't long until Stephan's dad and his sister Chloe showed up. How did I know Chloe was his sister? They looked so similar! Well, besides Chloe's unnaturally bright blond hair 

I gulped when the Alpha walked in. He was tall, almost as tall as Stephan's 6'2", and boy, was he ripped. Being the alpha though, it's no wonder he was intimidating. Just his presence could fill the room. His chestnut hair matched his eyes, which were cold and hard. Him and Stephan could pass as brothers. 

"Bonjour, I'm Guy (pronounced Gee)." His voice was deep and his eyes didn't seem friendly. I shook his hand.

I forced a smiled. "Nice to meet you, I'm Tony."

I went to shake Chloe's but she just stared at it, twirling a strand of blond hair around her finger. After a few awkward moments, I quickly put my hand down and she walked away. "Don't mind her," Stephan said from behind me, making me jump. He wrapped an arm around my waist. "She's always been like that." 

I blinked up at him as I heard the Luna scolding her daughter in French. Or, that's what I thought she was doing considering the anger in her voice. "I take it you don't get along with her?" 

Stephan sighed as he followed everyone into the living room. "I used to. But then she changed after she started high school." 

I frowned. "I'm sorry." 

He shrugged. "Doesn't bother me that much anymore. Let's sit down." 

"Is something cooking, son?" Guy asked, sniffing the air. 

"It smells wonderful!" Caroline clapped her hands together as she talked. "I sure am hungry after that flight!" 

"You guys flew here?" I sat forwards, feeling Stephan's arm come around my shoulders. 

Chloe sneered. "What's it to ya?" Stephan looked at her sharply and she lowered her gaze. 

"To answer your question," Caroline said, "yes. We did. And it was a long flight! Nine hours from Nice to here!" Caroline huffed. "I thought it would never end." 

"Oh don't be so dramatic maman," Stephan teased. "I flew here too, remember? It wasn't so bad." 

Caroline rolled her eyes. "Yes, but you were with fellow packmates. And I'm guessing that Guy had paid for you all to be in First Class." 

Stephan smiled cheekily. "Why did you fly here anyways? I thought you all were already moved in to your place in Washington." I had recently learned that the Alpha had his place in Washington DC with a huge, mansion like packhouse while Stephan, being the next in line, wandered off to find his mate and start his own pack here in Tennessee. 

The Alpha sighed and sat forwards, lacing his fingers together. "We had unfinished business with our neighbors." 

Stephan blinked. "Oh. I understand." 

No more questions were asked about the flight. 

BAM. Another chapter done. 

I'm really excited about this story guys! 

Please comment! 


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