"It's by your foot and it's chicken fried rice, you said you like that right?" he asked glancing at her.

She smiled and picked up the bag of food by her foot, "Dang, not even Sunghyun remembers what foods I like."

"That's because Sunghyun is a dickhead."

"Don't call my boyfriend a dickhead, asshole," she answered as she opened the box of food and began eating.

Yoongi stopped at a red light and looked over at her eating, "How is it?"

She nodded her head as an answer which Yoongi took as an "It's good." He laughed softly at her response and went back to driving. He eventually arrived at the building where all their studios were and got out. Yunjin quickly closed her box of food and got out also. The two friends then made their way inside and stepped onto the elevator.

"Is Namjoon here? I wanna go say hi to him," Yunjin asked as the elevator went up.

"He should be in his studio," he answered looking at her.

The elevator ringed signaling them to step off.

"I'm going to go say hi to Namjoon, I'll meet you in your studio," she said before going off to Namjoon's studio.

Yoongi watched her for a moment before making his way to his studio and resuming his work on his demos.

"Namjoooon," Yunjin said as she knocked on the leader's door.

"Yunjin! Come in!" Namjoon answered turning his chair towards the direction of the door.

She entered and smiled upon seeing the beloved leader of BTS.

"What are you doing here?" he asked as she walked towards him.

"I just wanted to say hi to you since I haven't seen you in a while," she answered looking at his computer screen. "Are you working on a song? Can I hear it?"

"Oh yeah, I need an opinion on it," he answered before turning back around in his chair and pressing play on his demo.

Yunjin listened to his demo intently and when it ended, she looked at him and smiled.

"Shit Namjoon, that was good," she said to him.

"Wait, really? I feel like something doesn't sound right between the first two phrases," he answered looking at the track.

"Um, you could try using a drum fill between the two phrases instead of the bass fill," she suggested.

"Oh, that's not a bad idea," he answered before he started to add one in. He then leaned back in his chair and played the track once again.

"Oh wow Yunjin, thank you," Namjoon said liking her suggestion.

"I should get back to Yoongi, I'll see you around," she said as she walked towards the door. She waved him goodbye and made her way to Yoongi's studio. She knocked on his door and stepped back waiting for him to open his door. Once he opened the door, she stepped in and sat in one of the chairs at the desk.

"So, what have you been doing Yoongs?" she asked as she got out her food again to finish.

"Demos for our upcoming album," he answered as he sat down in his chair once again and started working again.

She nodded slightly as she began eating and watching him work silently.

"We should get ice cream after," she said after a bit.

He turned towards her and nodded slightly as he watched her eat. He silently looked over her face as she ate and his eyes wandered to her lips for a second before he swallowed and looked away.

friends 》mygحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن