
I laughed as Jack and Arcee dropped me off at the house and looked up at the building, I wasn't ready to be home which was new for me, then back at Jack and smiled. I pulled the helmet off my head and handed it to him, "Thank you so much for a wonderful time, both of you, I appreciate it a lot." 

"No problem Fallon, we don't mind, right Arcee?" 

"No, it's always nice to take a drive once in awhile, goodnight Fallon. I'm glad you had fun."

"Night guys, thanks again." I said, waiting for Jack to retrieve his helmet.

He shook his head, "Keep it for next time."

Blushing, I stepped back onto the sidewalk, holding the helmet by its chin strap and waved as Arcee drove away with Jack waving back at me.

I was still smiling as I quietly walked into the house, kicking off my shoes as I went up to my room, swinging the helmet back and forth as I hummed Photograph by Ed Sheeran. 

"Well, aren't you happy this evening."

I turned to find Dad watching me from the bottom of the stairs, my smile didn't waver, "It's just that I had a nice day today."

"Oh?" He raised a brow, leaning against the banister, his gaze shifting down to the motorcycle helmet dangling from my hand, "Some boy take you on a ride?"

"No, Jack did, he said I looked in need of some fresh air and took me around town, it's nothing serious to worry about; he was being a good friend."  

"Is that it?" He chuckled at me, "let me guess, he told you to hang on to that for next time as a free opening, saying he's willing to do it again?"

I sneered at him, growling, "Well at least it's Jackson and not some alien disguised as a human or something like that."

Dad tensed ever so slightly at my words, "Fallon -"

"At least he's   to hang out with me." I interrupted, "Before him, Miko, and Raf I had no one; so I'm sorry if I'm acting giddy for a simple act of kindness . . .  you leaving had effected my life more than you imagine." I turned around again before he could question me farther and closed my door behind me as I entered my room, locking the it as I heard my father's footsteps come up the stairs. 


I ignored him as I set the helmet on my desk and grabbed another pair of footwear, a pair of black combat boots, and shoved them onto my feet before tying the laces with a double knot to ensure I wouldn't trip on the long laces or that they could untie. Grabbing my gray jacket, I eased my window open carefully and climbed onto the roof, closing the window enough so I could get back in when I came back; turning, I grabbed the vines that were growing on the siding of the house and began my descent towards the ground. 

With a soft thud, my feet landed on the ground and I shrugged my jacket on before approaching the street, zipping it up. I had heard of illegal drag racing outside of town and always had the curiosity to watch, I knew it was dangerous but I've been a good girl for fifteen years, why not let one night belong to the bad girl that I knew lived deep inside me screaming for a chance of freedom. 

When I found the drag race, I was awed at the expensive cars that were lined up to race with people checking out the contender's vehicles and I made my way into the crowd that surrounded a yellow hot rod; bets were being thrown left and right around me as I walked away, noticing a late comer and headed over to the vehicle to check it out before the crowds noticed its arrival.

The car was a red Aston Martin with white and silver pinstripes and yellow rims, I gave a low whistle of appreciation towards the money that must of been spent for the entire vehicle, "Wow, now that is a car."

I circled the car slowly, silently reading the license plate, resisting the urge to brush my fingertips across the body of the car as I looked into the tinted windows and studied the roof of the car; finally I gave into the urge and dragged my fingers gently across the hood as I inspected the headlights and grill. 

"Like what you see?"

I jumped at the baritone voice that came from the car and blushed, taking my hands off the frame - he might not want fingerprints all over the hood of his expensive car, "I'm sorry, yes, you have quite a fine car sir."

"Thank you, I like to look nice when I drive around, almost like another piece of scenery to drive by."

"Time well spent, I think you might be able to pull that off, hopefully your wheels will awe the others into submission and let you have an easy win."

A rich laugh erupted from the  car, "That would be something I'd like to see, girly, but I would have no competition."

I shrugged, "No one would be able to scratch this marvelous paint job though, I have to say, this is a very nice color by the way."

I could of sworn I felt the car vibrate with pleasure at my compliment and I heard the driver sigh, "Thank you! Finally someone appreciates the paint!"

I couldn't help but smile, this had to the most out of character conversation I had ever had, but yet I found myself continuing on, "How could someone not appreciate a car this appealing?"

"I never thought a hu- I mean, someone would understand."

I shrugged as I heard someone announcing the race was going to begin and shoved my hands into my pockets, "Well, good luck out there, knock 'em out."

As I walked away I heard the Martin's engine rev, "I am a knockout, aren't I?"

I smiled, shaking my head, I may had filled the driver's head a little with too much air, he better win, I did not look forward to seeing him angry if he lost. 

I was fascinated with how fast my heart was beating and I knew it wasn't from the anticipation and adrenalin from the race, it from talking to that driver with the red Aston Martin. Talking to him seemed to come natural, which was something since talking wasn't particularly something that was easy for me, and to a stranger no less. Being away from him actually made me feel empty, like a part of me that I never knew I had was missing. What was this feeling? Why for a stranger that I didn't know? 

Shaking off the feeling, I set my full attention to the race. 

When the first car crossed the finish line I was glad to see it was the red Aston Martin, smiling at the driver's win,  I looked at the time on my phone and decided I had better start heading back home. 


  I spun around at the familiar voice, ignoring the flutter in my chest, and smiled as the Martin rolled to a stop beside me, "Nice job at that win, you were a knock out."

"I was, wasn't I? I came to ask if I'll see you next week for another race, I'd hate to see my little fan not cheering me on next time."

I laughed, "I can try, but if I can't I'll be cheering for you in spirit."

He chuckled, "Do you need a ride into town? Save you some time from a walk."

I might of had confusing feelings when I was around this person, but I wasn't dumb. 

"Thanks for the offer, but I'll decline for now, maybe next time I see." I paused and laughed breathlessly, "What should I say when I cheer for you? What do you want me to call you?"

"Just call me Knockout."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2020 ⏰

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