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School was completely finished. I'd gotten good enough grades, which I wouldn't really need anyway, because of the coffee shop, but it was nice to have achieved them. I was currently receiving praise from my parents, which was nice.

"Hey, Tweek!" Token called at me. He was the only friend I'd kept since I left South Park. We both went to the same college, still in Colorado. I'd expected him to get a scholarship at some Ivy league college, or paid to be in one even, but he'd chosen to go to the same one as me, and he'd graduated with top marks.

"Hey, man." I grinned as he came over.

"I'm having a party tonight, you coming?" He asked with hope. I wanted to go, like, really bad, but I hadn't been to any real parties without Craig and Clyde ever, and I didn't want to start on what should have been one of the proudest days of my life. I missed them a lot. I thought they'd try to stay in touch, despite how much of a loser I was.

"Uh." I couldn't think of an excuse, but I didn't want to let Token down. I could feel my twitches getting bad.

"Don't stress it, man. It's fine if you don't come, alright?" Token was understanding, and I appreciated it so much. I couldn't believe, a lot of the time, that he'd stuck by me, and helped out with the sorta anxiety I'd had. He's the reason I don't fret about people trying to kill me constantly.

"I really wanna come, but I haven't been to a party without Craig or Clyde, like, ever." I told Token the truth. He understood everything.

"Didn't I tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"God," Token laughed, keeping his smile, "They're coming. Craig's gang are back together tonight."

"Dude! That's the best news I've heard, ever!" I was so happy, that could've been enough to permanently stop my twitch, but it only lasted a while. Until I realised what that meant, "Who else from South Park is coming?" I wearily asked.

"I had to invite everyone, I couldn't break any hearts," Token explained with a wince, "So; Stan, Kyle, and Kenney. Butters as well, maybe the goths," Token unconvincingly thought for a while, "Uh, Wendy and Bebe might come too. Cartman..." Token whispered the last name.

"Ugh, that douchebag? Really?"

"I'm sorry, man. I couldn't leave anyone out."

"You know there are so many more people in our year that we never even talked to."

"We never even talked to them."

"I never wanted to talk to that fatass! Don't you remember that time Kenny didn't resurrect, and I had to replace him? Worst year of my life. They're all kinda douchebags."

"Please come. Craig and Clyde will be there. I doubt you'll even see Cartman in the mix of all our college friends and all the old guys."

"You can see him from China! He's fatter than life!"

"Just be there, okay?"

"I'm busy at the café." I lied.

"For Craig."

"And Clyde!" I added. Token rolled his eyes and left me alone, going back to his parents.

"Rich asshole." I muttered as I got back to my own parents.

"Tweek, you're over-twitching again." Dad told me with a worried glare. I hated when they pointed it out. I could obviously feel when I was twitching. Like, you're not oblivious to that extreme winking feeling you can't control.

"I just need some coffee, that's all." I shrugged.

"You going to any crazy parties?" Mom asked. I loved my parents and all, but I just wasn't in the mood for being nice right now.

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