"Uh, I came to turn in this-"

Levi looked so utterly pissed off Armin stopped in his tracks.

"Uh, Mr. Rivaille, I hate to be rude, but are you okay?"

"Barely." Levi mumbled, walking out the door, past Armin, and slamming it behind him.

"Okay, okay, calm." Levi mumbled, speeding down the hall until he reached the door that lead to the parking lot.

And guess who was out there?


And Jean.

But, to Levi's surprise, Jean had Eren in a headlock and was kneeing him in the gut repeatedly.

Eren actually spat out blood.

"BREAK IT UP! NOW!" Levi yelled, jogging over to them and grabbing Jean by the arm, twisting it behind his back and holding it there.

"Let me go damnit!" Jean yelped, struggling to free his arm and only hurting himself worse.

"I'll snap this arm straight off. Go to the principal. Now. I'll be right there." Levi glared, and pushed Jean away from him, then proceeding to run to Eren's side.

The brunette was lying on the ground, gasping for air.

Jean walked over. "Shit bro... I didn't mean to hurt you that bad..."

"It's fine." Eren choked out, trying to stand, but he collapsed. Levi caught him by the arms and tried to prop him up using his shoulder.

"Horse face." Levi shot Jean a deadly glare. "To the office. Now. I will meet you there." He looked so angry, but when he turned to face Eren, his expression softened in an extremely noticeable way.

Jean nodded and walked off, casting a final glance at them. He wondered... What was going on with Levi... And Eren?


Levi had managed to half carry, half drag Eren down the halls to the nurses office. But, of course, she had just gone home for the day. School was out after all.

"Shit." Levi mumbled. He had some medical training, although he dropped out of college on the third year. He didn't want to be a doctor, he had realized. He just worked as a bartender, and, apparently, a teacher and a nurse. His life was really starting to get weird...

Whatever. At least he had met Eren.

"Okay, okay, let me see what I can do."

He rummaged through cabinets, occasionally grunting or nodding.

Eren sat on the cot against the wall. The room was all blue and white. He was familiar with it though. He and Jean got in a fight almost every few days. He would mention how hot Mikasa was and then yell at Eren for making Mikasa leave and then Eren would try to beat the shit out of Jean and then Jean would proceed to beat the life out of Eren.

He watched Levi as he gathered a few things and set them on the table. Levi then approached Eren, with a stethoscope in his hand.

"Okay, this is kinda awkward, please don't freak. Just... Take your shirt off." Levi's face was bright red as Eren hesitantly lifted his shirt over his head, dropping it behind him.

Levi had unbuttoned the top of his shirt a bit, due to the fact that he was sweating nervously, so some of his chest was visible, causing Eren to blush even more.

He leaned forwards, putting the stethoscope in his ears. "Okay, relax." He pressed it against Eren's chest. "Oi, don't hold your breath. Breathe deeply."

Ereri - A Loving Mistake - Eren x Levi - Attack on Titan YaoiWhere stories live. Discover now