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"doctor, how's mina condition?" ask tzuyu, one of mina's bestfriend. Doctor look at them. There are twice and seventeen there. Mina's parents are in the ward.

"mina is stable now but i'm afraid, she have lost her memory." wonwoo fall to the floor. His members hold him. "wonwoo-ya everything is gonna be alright." say scoups while hugging him. Wonwoo cry.

"hyung, will she remember me?" ask wonwoo. Scoups look at seventeen. They look down. "i'm sure she will remember you. If its not now, then she will soon. You are her first love. Both of you are each other first love." say jeonghan.

A few weeks later...
Wonwoo is sitting beside mina's bed when her parents enter the room. They already got discharged and well." hey, don't touch her. "say mina's father. Wonwoo shocked." b... But.. " he cut wonwoo.

" but what?! I dont want you to meet her anymore. She doesn't even remember you when she wakes up so i think its better for you to leave and let her live her new life. " say mina's father." don't say that to him?!" say mina's mother while holding mina's hand.

" wonwoo is taking care of our mina for years and i'm sure he treat her better than us. Don't do this to him. " plead mina's mother. Mina's father smirk.

" like i care?! You should shut your mouth. This is the best for them anyway." wonwoo look down. He recall what the doctor tell him last week.

" she does remember her parents. "say the doctor. wonwoo smile happily " does this mean she will remember me too? " doctor look down." only half of her memory that she have. I'm afraid you're her current memory. Bad news is she lost her current memory." explain the doctor.

Wonwoo sigh and close his eyes. "then, tell me doctor... Is she... Is she... Not gonna remember me... Anymore?" wonwoo is so afraid to hear the result. "lucky for you... No" wonwoo look at him.

"so, there's chance?!" the doctor nod. "but remember... Its depend on the patient, some patients get their memory fast and others opposite of it. So, i cant really tell you when she will gain her memory back." wonwoo nod slowly


'alright... I will let you go mina... For your own good. But... I really wish i' ll be there when you gain your memory back.' wonwoo look at mina' s parents and smile.

" alright but can you give me some time? For the last time? " ask wonwoo. They agree and leave him.

Wonwoo look at mina. He hold her hand and kiss her forehead.  "i will wait for you. I love you... Always... Love you." his tears fall on her cheeks.  Then he put a neklace at mina's neck.

It's a neklace with an M and rose. He slowly let go her hand and leave.

After a few weeks later, mina awake. She indeed didnt remember anything abt the love of her life and their memory. All left about him is a neklace that she believe someone give it to her when she's unconscious after the accident.

Every night when she wants to sleep, she always hold the neklace and wonder about the person that give her that neklace. She smile to herself and wish that she will meet that person someday... Soon...

After her mother died, mina hide the neklace but she always bring it with her. She believe that the neklace will bring her to the person. She hide the neklace so that her father won't take and sell it to gain money.

END OF FLASHBACK (narration...)

Mina look at wonwoo and wonwoo look at her. "remember everything now?" ask wonwoo. Mina cry instantly and hug him tightly.

"i thought i lost you." wonwoo smile weakly. "you never lost me and we will never lost each other. Anymore." say wonwoo.

Mina smile and look at him. "do you miss me?" ask mina. Wonwoo smile. "you're here right now. By my side. Am i suppose to miss you too?" mina chuckled.

"well, before it's the forgetful mina and right now is your mina." wonwoo laugh. "of course i miss you. Always. Wanna know why?" mina raise her eyebrow. "why?"

Wonwoo smile and get closer to her ears. "cause you're my flower." mina smile. It is still the same wonwoo that she knows.

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