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Your POV
My mouth was agape as I gasped. No, it can't be. He's at the dorm shooting, he didn't go out. I squint my eyes to take a better look at the post, it is him though and it's outside his house...

I scroll through many comments saying that the girl in the picture is his girlfriend. With many thoughts whirling through my mind I abruptly sat up and ran my hand through my messy bed hair.

I headed to the bathroom to wash my face, reminding myself this isn't a dream. I enter our private chat in wechat.


Did you have a break from shooting
Reply me please

I'll ask Zhengting, he'll know.


Heyy tingting, did y'all have a break from
shooting yesterday?
He isn't replying my msgs

Yeah, didn't chengcheng tell you?
He probably went to the dorm early to
practice for our upcoming stage
What's up? Is something wrong?

No he didn't and nth is wrong, thks ting

Something's off, Chengcheng always tell me when they have a break from shooting. This is weird. I'll have to ask him next time. He isn't cheating on me, is he?

Later on that night
Chengcheng POV

Someone knocked on our dorm door, it's 11pm can't they just let us live I need some beauty sleep.

It was one of the IQIYI staff,

"Chengcheng, someone had requested to meet you downstairs. Zhang Shuqi her name was, do you know her? "

"Yes, I'll go downstairs and meet her now thank you" I said slightly bitterly that it wasn't Y/N. I trudged downstairs, to meet her.

"Hi Chengcheng!" She said waving at me.

"Heyy... What's up? Why did you want to meet me at such a late time? " I asked

"Let's take a walk outside"

"Umm... Okay. "

Time skip
We went and sat down on a bench nearby. After about a minute of silence, Shuqi spoke up.

"I know you already have a girlfriend, we're both forced into this. So I have a plan to get us out of this, then both of us will be happy. " I was slightly taken aback upon knowing she was in the same situation as me.

"Okay, so what do you have in mind? "

"Everyone goes for dinner and we reason our way through. Your parents won't give up your happiness just like that, right? "

"Right... " I said slightly doubtfully.

"So when's your next break? "

"Next weekend "

"Okay Sunday it is, I'll book the restaurant. See you! "

Published as requested by someone ♡
Heyy I'm back to Singapore!!! Haha I watched 3 movies on the flight back here, it was greattt! I also brought back 2kg in my stomach, idk whether I should laugh or cry.
And from this chapter, you can already tell the book is coming to an end sadly. Well I write short stories and I want to focus more on my Daniel story after I complete this book so look forward to more chapters on that book!!
Remember to vote and comment! Ilysm!

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