A Model Mother

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A Model Mother

Author: cheamcat

Genre: Romance, General Fiction

Rating: PG-13

Status: Completed

Reader’s Comment: I have been a HUGE fan of this story since the beginning. Since the first time I have read it, I have read it for the 5th time today. And you can bet that I fall in love with it more each time. Also you are a fantastic author and the way you write makes me feel as though I'm there front row with what's happening and what the characters are feeling. If this book were to be published, I would get at least five copies;D.   -GabGab1313


After seeing the photograph of Rose with her baby, Lloyd, Miles now knew beyond doubt that he was his son. One day LLoyd would inherit the Seton property empire, a business which Miles’s father had created from scratch and which Miles now ran. He was determined that he would take responsibility for raising his son but to his annoyance this meant that he would be forced to make contact with Rose, the woman he had spent the better part of a year trying to forget.

When he had first met Rose he had thought he had found his soul mate. But then his friend Max, whom he had known since childhood, had told Miles that Rose was cheating on him and he had the evidence to prove it. So not only had he been taken for a mug and fallen for a lying, traitorous bitch but now she had his son too.

Rose was dreading having to meet with Miles. She had hidden away from the eyes of the world hoping to be left alone after the hurt of Miles’s very public dumping of her but she knew that it was inevitable he would come after her now that a picture of Lloyd had been published in an international gossip magazine.

Lloyd and Miles were as alike as peas in a pod. She was under no illusion that the Seton money machine and all the lawyers it needed would soon start grinding away at getting custody of LLoyd. She was still totally in the dark as to why Miles had left her when she was pregnant and now she was terrified that he would try to take LLoyd away from her too.

But Rose was no pushover. She had been an international model in her teens and now was a successful businesswoman in her own right. She had learned to be tough and if she had to she would give Miles the fight of his life. The problem was, Rose still yearned for the days before Miles had walked out on her, days she counted amongst the happiest in her life.

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