Fake Dating The Enemy

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Fake Dating The Enemy

Author: xWinglessx

Genre: Romance, Humor

Rating: PG-13

Status: Completed

Reader’s Comment: omg ive just read this whole story in one go and i an emotional wreck plus ive bite all my nails into oblivion!! I really really really love this story!!   -itallstartshere


Being dumped on your two year anniversary is heartbreaking, but instead of tubs of ice cream or boxes of tissues Macy Hawthorne has other plans. Revenge. She decides to fake date Aaron's only enemy, Blaze to make him jealous - and it works.The only problem is that Macy and Blaze cant stand each other but as time passes the only thing pulling them through is their hate for Aaron, will this ever change? They say hate is the perfect ingredient for love.

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