Chapter 10

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On the dinner table my grandma is giving me meaningful looks. I furrowed my eyebrows at her. Seriously, it's so annoying.

"What?" I asked her finally.

"Nothing." She said and smiled. Then she asked "how was your day love?"

"Okay I guess. The supermarket has collapsed due to hurricane last night. I mean not the entire supermarket but almost half of it." I said nonchalantly.

"Goodness me. I hope nobody got hurt. Poor Gerard, he must be troubled. How is the supermarket so far?"

"Well, he seems fine earlier. Honestly gran they're very rich and they have a lot of businesses too. This one is nothing. Nobody got hurt gran. It was hit by hurricane at 10pm last night. The hurricane went all the way east but good thing it didn't hit us otherwise this building will be in pieces." I said sighing.

"Yeah. Thank God." She said while looking up.

"If we get through this I will find us a better place gran. I don't want us to live in this sham." I said while putting the plates in the sink. Then she stood on my way and held both of my hands.

"I'm so sorry. I'm the one who led us here." She said teary-eyed.

"No gran. None of this is your fault." I said while wiping her tears.

"You should have been graduated in college by now if not for me. I could have given you a better life. I'm so very sorry." She said this sobbing.

"Hey, hey, look at me gran. Stop saying that. I just need you to be strong and healthy ok? I can't afford to lose you too. You're the only one that I have." I said kneeling and holding both of her hands. She said nodding while in tears.

"We'll get through this gran." Then I hugged her tight. I know I need to be strong for her. Extra strong to hold us both together. Though I'd really wanna give up and give in. The emotional baggage I have I can't carry anymore and I just can't show weakness to anyone.


Waking up to the incessant knocking of the door. Who would knock at this early hour? Grabbing my silk robe I went out of my room and go straight to the door. I would really kill the one who is at the other side of the door. Disturbing my sleep. Do they know how every minute of sleep is important to me? Opening the door abruptly, I saw two delivery guys with big boxes and a neat looking wheel chair. You would say like a smart wheelchair. Surprised with what I see cause I have never seen anything like this. This must be very expensive.

"I didn't order this. You got the wrong door pal." I said still looking at the parcel and the wheelchair.

"Are you Atasha Summers?" The other one said sounding bored.

"Yes" I replied.

"Then it's yours" he said almost rolling his eyes.

"But I didn't order this" I tried convincing them. I know I wouldn't be able to afford this.

"Look Miss, this is all been paid for. Just sign here so we could set this up. We still have some parcel to deliver." The other one said.

"May I know who are these from?" I asked again.

"I was told not to disclose. I'm sorry." Letting them in and opening the door wide for them to carry the big boxes in. I think I might just have a faint idea who sent these.

Unfolding the wheelchair the other guy has taught me how to operate it. This wheelchair has a remote control. So if grandma is on the bed and she wants to set it aside she can just control with the remote. It has joystick also and this wheelchair speeds up to 40kph. And it has a detachable basket in front. So grandma can do shopping by herself. Amazingly this wheelchair can go up and down the stairs, sideways though. It has a built in GPS. It can incline, and this has a latch under the seat to adjust the height of the chair and can raise the foot rest. This is what I've been dreaming for my grandma. I just wanna cry in joy. My grandma can go on her own without feeling burdened. God must really love me to answer my prayer for so long. Thank you God!

"So that's the wheelchair and here is the hospital bed. Where do you want me to assemble this?" He asked me. My mouth just hang open unable to believe what I just heard. I've been saving up for a hospital bed and now it's really here. I can't believe it. I freaking can't believe it! My mouth wouldn't stop smiling like a creep.

"Well?" He asked smiling this time. Maybe my smile is so contagious and he stopped being rude.

"Ah yes! Come this way." Going inside my grandma's room, I woke her up.

"Gran, gran, wake up. There are guys here who will assemble a hospital bed for you." She opened her eyes wide with the mention of hospital bed.

Helping her get up and I took the remote of the wheelchair and led the wheel chair inside. I removed the arms of the wheel chair and adjust the height of the wheelchair to the height of the bed. I helped her slide into her brandnew wheelchair. Boy! Her face lights up like a child who opened her gift for Christmas. Settling her in and put back the arms of the wheelchair. I taught her how to operate the wheelchair while the delivery guys assembled the hospital bed. Putting on the wheels and the railings and the mattress. It has a remote also. This bed can move aswell. It can incline and decline both on the foot side and the headside. It has an alarm on the side of the bed hidden so whenever there's an emergency gran can ring someone. It can adjust the height also. Railings are remote controlled as well. The mattress can adjust to the weather also. So it's not too hot for my grandma's back. She can choose and adjust it to whatever temperature she likes. Above all, a bed massager. There are balls underneath that massages your whole body when you turn on the massager. How cool is that?! This is a dream bed. I can't explain the expression on my grandma's face. These things must have cost a fortune. This simple wheelchair costs me $300 and its manual. Gran has to push and pull the wheels in order for it to run or somebody has to push her. And there's nothing special about it, except it just takes grandma from one place to another that's it.

"Who might have sent these? We can't afford these." Grandma said dejectedly after sometime realizing that these things are expensive and in no way we can afford it.

"These are all paid for. Miss Summers if you can just sign this last document saying all is set up already and in good condition." I signed not wasting time. Wide smiles are plastered on me and my granny's face. When the delivery guys left. I hugged grandma sideways. Her on the wheelchair and me standing up.

"Indeed, God is so good to us. He never left us in times of our need. His time is always so perfect." She said while smiling with tears falling down her face.

"Yeah gran. He always hears our prayer. Only if we believe on him." I said to her lovingly and kissed her hair. Checking the time on my grandma's wallclock 7:38?! Oh no! Not again. Getting ready like flash then I was out of the door after 10 minutes. Please God don't let me be late. Saying the prayer while running to the bus stop.


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