The Secret Project

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It was just like any other morning, Amanda woke up and got ready for school. As she was eating her breakfast she saw her science project she had been working on for months....

It was all about a discovery of a new kind of stone which can detect earthquakes whenever one came near it........

And Amanda was the person to discover it!

She was a very very very bright young girl(as I said in the introduction)

She never told anyone about her interesting life which is hidden inside her room....

If Amanda discovered another stone identical to the one she already found and she puts them side by side in a very earthquake prone place, the stones will start giving signals......

But how can two stones detect an earthquake?

They do not do that by themselves.
The stones are just two stones with a unique chemical formula which had been invented by Jetrum(a very popular scientist) hundred years ago...

But they did not work because of lack of technology.

Amanda figured out it needs a sensor.
A very strong one indeed.

It was shaped like a chip......
(The computer ones of course.)

But that sensor was not developed yet......
There were a thousand sensors but none that strong.

And Amanda was working on one...

Wait for the next part for another chapter of Amanda's life!

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