Blakes barbed blake jr

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I'll do the QnA at the end now let's revive me so I can re-buy my perks oh and thanks for 4k

2nd pov :
'Twas a beautiful day boids were singing flowers were a blooming and you ? Well you were tossing your salad in the pantry , what kind of salad?  you ask well my dear friend it is only the greatest salad this side of Cawdor , made with only the finest tomatoes picked fresh from the ruins of the seige of Stalingrad with a delectable aftertaste of ash , some lettuce plucked from the pubic hairs of the spring maidens herself (yes raven ) , cucumbers torn asunder from the corpse of the Grimm dragon that definitely died in volume 3 no questions , some pickled ... Well ... Pickles picked from a normal farm somewhere in bikini bottom , a nevermore breast cut and smoked so perfectly that it would give Gordon Ramsey a hard on and finally for some seasoning , one of qrows wings ground into a very fine dust fit only for a king.
Why did I describe the salad ? You ask
Well .... Throw away jokes

Anywho you were tossing your salad and you were enjoying it that is until you heard a knock at one of your doors door ... You now have five doors to your house , 4 downstairs 1 upstairs . It took about an hour to ins which door was knocking ( you have horrible senses ) upon opening the door you are met with the next logical step to take in a series of one shots that have so far been based on team RWBY , Blake bellaboo-i mean belladonna !!!!!

You : ah Blake what brings you here on this warm winter morning
Blake : ( oh he sound so innocent I just wanna tie him down and make him my fuck pet ) oh y'know just felt like visiting , after all nothing's better than sitting by the fire with a friend right

She then leans towards your ear

Blake : besides , the rest of the team told me how tight you were
You : oh ummm
Blake : hehe don't get awkward quite yet we still have to do the tradition of this shitty book
You : and that is ?
Blake : watch a hentai !!!

Y/n pov :

Oh of course a hentai ... That would be great ... If I hadn't seen them all a thousand times . but hey I'm gonna get dicked either way so I'll just play along

Me : yeah that sounds great what do ya wanna watch
Blake : hmmm I'm thinking we should watch 'my big and horny sisters '
Me : alright I've just gotta hunt it down in my pile of hentai disks that are crusted together with my own cum so others can't get in
Blake : that's hot
Me : I know right

And so the battle began , I picked up the pile of encrusted discs and began scratching away at the out let layers with my freakishly long nails , slowly but surely chipping away at the blockade of bodily fluids . Once I had destroyed the outer layer I needed to pull the disks apart , so I managed to get a finger between to of the disks and once again began to scratch away at the dried jizz . I looked over to check on Blake to see that she was slowly jacking her gigantic barbed cat cock ( I'll spare you peeps the image of a cats dick ) trying to pry my eyes away from the glorious sight I continued clawing alway at the cock cement until finally the two disks came apart . Now there was only one job left . Cleaning the disk , but to my surprise Blake snatched the disk from my hand and began slowly but effectively licking off every last particle of dried dick juice before tossing the disk to the side

Blake : y'know what ? Fuck the hentai I can't wait anymore I want to get inside of you

Without warning she pounces on me somehow tearing off my clothes in the process revealing my mediocre at best erection

Blake : aww it's cute
Me :Baka j-just shut up and fuck me

Without warning Blake rammed her massive cock inside of me which was pleasuring enough as it is but then she began thrusting . I could feel the barbs in her cock cutting the insides of my asshole drawing me closer and closer to cumming all over the floor but Blake put her thumb in my urethra causing me to reach climax but of course that shit ain't cumming out till her's does . After a while Blake pulled out spraying her baby batter all over the room and finally releasing her thumb from my urethra allowing me to release a feeble stream of cum .

Blake : wow that was great
Me : y-yeah

The blood from my asshole and balked semen mixed on the floor as the sun set on another day

The end

Now I know what your thinking . "Ugh he goes missing for like two months and this isn't even half the length of the last one shot , shame on you , shame!!!! " but I'm lazy so , sorry not sorry

Now time to answer my QnA questions all ... Two  of them ... Huh

Q: why is futa so popular ? (White lad12)
A:not a fucking clue mate , I wrote this expecting to get next to no reads yet here I am

Q: do you have a futa fetish ? Is that why you made this? (crimsonwolf2071)
A: surprisingly no I don't , I was just wondering how disturbing I could make a futa fanfic and I thinks it's pretty safe to say I did the job

Aaaand that's all I might update another book tonight but no guarantees

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2018 ⏰

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