Mission Little Brother : Activated

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     I probably won't update every week so don't get your expectations too high..


( Anna's POV )

      As we neared a crimson bricked house the car slowed its pace. Who knew riding a bike for fifteen minutes straight could make you so exhausted. I assumed that the house contained her younger sibling. If I wasn't in the zombie apocalypse I would've asked her brother's age. The car finally stopped in the driveway. I pulled myself off of the bike, spotting a small animal running towards me. I could only make out cream colored fur before being pounced on, spooking the bajeebas out of me. The animal stayed connected to my torso by clinging to my shirt, panting softly with its tongue out. I giggled, realizing that it was in fact a small dog. I placed my hand on its head and scratched behind its ears, not having much experience with any type of animal except rabbits. It barked softly, eyes wide open

  Unhooking it from my shirt, I placed it on the ground, tail wagging and all.

  The house was beautifully decorated both inside and out. As we searched the house for her brother I pulled out a knife, ready to defend. 

 "Melanie?" I heard a male voice question from the kitchen. It was kind of high pitched and had this slight crack in it when they spoke.

"Damien? Are you alright?" Melanie slowly made her way to the kitchen.

"Yes, I'm fine. Though, shouldn't you be at work?" My stomach churned at this. Poor kid, stuck in the apocalypse. He didn't look any older than sixteen. I watched as Melanie engulfed her brother in a hug. Once he noticed me he questioned his sister even more. I quickly hid my knife before waving awkwardly.

"Who's she?" He said with a frown.

"My name is Annabeth, but my friends call me Anna." He didnt seem very impressed. He detached himself from his sister with some fumbling around.

"Well then, I suppose you already know my name?" He questioned me after a minute or two. I nodded quietly. Melanie immediately started grabbing things out of the cupboards after our little introduction. This action confused her younger brother. He stared her down for a minute. I realized that we should probably start charging things before the electricity goes out.

I glanced between her and the tv in the room next to us. Melanie shook her head before taking out her phone, mumbling something about "too loud". After some tapping she finally showed her sibling the news. While she watched his reaction, I packed two more bags with mostly food, batteries and water since I had enough knives to go around at the moment.

"You don't actually believe this right?" I had just finished packing when I heard that. Not a few minutes later there was a banging on the door. "I'll get it." I answered whilst taking out a long, slender knife and pinned it my side before walking towards the door. I get onto my tiptoes and look out the door's small glass pane. It was definitely dead whatever it was or whoever it used to be (or a very desperate person but I had my doubts). I quickly and silently pulled the door open, knife out of hiding.

  I soon found out that I was indeed correct. The soulless body stumbled inside, moaning quite loudly. I swiftly closed the door and shifted my knife to a comfortable position before digging it into its temple, using a little too much force. I could immediately smell the disgusting odor the body produced. I glanced down at the body. I groaned in disgust at the sight, cursing myself for glancing at such a thing. The reanimated body seemed to have belonged to a young, pregnant woman. Her inside were sprawled across the floor, or at least what was left of them, and my knife was stuck in her skull. I shook my head, holding back from puking right then and there. At this point the smell was growing more and more putrid. I turned towards the living room as I heard a gasp.

  My eyes locked onto Daniel, or whatever his name is. He was seething with anger.

  "What is wrong with you! Do you really believe that this 'apocalypse' is real? Are you insane? You just murdered a pregnant woman! You should be ashamed, disgusted, a-anything but relieved!" He had yelled. I was starting to get annoyed with this kid, yet I still felt bad for him.

  "Do you smell that?" I asked, calmly. I watched him sniff and almost immediately gag, holding back his vomit most likely. He nodded abruptly. "That's the smell of rotting flesh. Obviously, I had only just now 'silenced' her, so she couldn't have rotted that quickly. Meaning, she has been dead for a while." I spoke in a matter-of-fact tone.





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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2019 ⏰

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