The Victims

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Ninety-two hundred.

That's the number of people she saved before Corona and Mercy.  But they're dead now, as are their identified followers, so that horrible era can come to an end. "Do you agree to the terms and conditions?"

Avi ben David, widower and father to a three year old daughter, glances down at a picture of the only family in the world he has left.

Rachel bat David: deaf, blind and paralyzed. Father's blue eyes, mother's brown locks and a malfunctioning protein that'll kill her around the time she turns five.

Quiet sigh. Close eyes, dip head, hoarse voice. "Yeah."

Smile. "You're making the right decision." Push forward a stack of paper, hand over a pen. "Sign on the dotted line, please."

Clench teeth, open eyes, breathe. Flip over picture, pick up pen, shaky signature.

Pause cure death angel wings and eyes flicker upward. "Please save her."

Tilt head, collect papers, smile. "Of course." 

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