chapter 4

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After the entertainment and their food, Eva walked with Bert to the fair to join the others. Michael looked to their new friend and his sister as he looked quite curious of their bonding together. Bert smiled as he walked Eva as he found himself falling for her. Eva found herself falling for Bert too, though she didn't dare hope he actually liked her back. Jane shared it gratefully, saving a piece of hers for Michael though. Bert smiled to Eva as they walked along together.

"Thank you, Jane." Michael told his sister.

Fitch smiled to the Banks siblings. Eva held onto his arm at least she would have the memories of here. Jane smiled to her brother. She then waved to Bert and Eva.

"Shall we go to the merry-go-round?" Mary suggested.

Bert smiled back to Eva before waving back at the kids.

"Hi!" Michael chuckled.

"Ooh, the merry-go-round with Mary Poppins?" Fitch beamed. "How splendorous!"

Mary led the way to a private Merry-Go-Round, with six horses on it. Eva chose a pretty pastel blue one to ride on. Jane chose a pink one. Bert took a yellow horse. Michael took the darker blue horse. Fitch ran toward the white horse and decided to ride it. Mary smiled.

"Our own private merry-go-round." Jane stated.

Eva was riding side saddle like Mary and was holding onto the reins. "It is delightful." she smiled.

Fitch laughed and smiled as he had the best time of his life so far. Michael was curious, but he had fun for a change and even waved his hat like a cowboy.

"Nice," Bert smiled. "Very nice indeed."

Mary smiled.

"Oh, yes, it's very nice" Eva agreed.

"That is, if you don't want to go nowhere." Bert said as he laid back with his feet up.

"Who says we're not going anywhere? Oh, guard~!" Mary asked then said.

Eva looked curious as to what Mary meant.

"Righto, Mary Poppins." A man appeared from a window with a smile and then pulled a lever.

Fitch looked curious himself, but he knew that he was going to be amazed since Mary was involved.

"Thank you." Mary said gratefully then was the first one who's horse came away from the merry-go-round.

Jane gasped, but happily. Eva yelped and though obviously scared a bit, also was smiling. The other horses soon followed after Mary's horse.

"Hang on tight, Jane." Fitch told the girl around his age.

"They're off!" The manager smiled as he announced like a race track announcer about Mary being in the lead with the others behind her.

Jane nodded with a smile. Eva clung tight to the pole and the reins, not used to horseback riding. Bert waved his hat as they bobbed along the countryside.

"My horse is the fastest." Michael smirked to Jane as he rode quicker beside her.

Jane just looked at Michael. Mary watched and shook her head lightly, but as long as it didn't turn nasty it was fine. Eva smiled nervously to Bert still clinging to the pole in a tight hold.

"'Ear that, mate, you wanna put up with that?" Bert asked before making his horse go faster. "That's the ticket! Come on, my lad, is that the best you can do?"

"Hurry up, boy, hurry!" Michael told his horse as he did what Bert did to make his horse go faster.

"Don't worry, I need practice meself." Fitch shyly told Jane.

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