chapter 2

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A few days later, there was a big long line of elderly, grumpy looking nannies. Ellen looked out the window to see the line in front of the house and decided to let George and Winifred know that they were there.

"That's not what we asked for at all." Jane sighed, as they looked out of the window.

Eva was standing behind her, tying a little ribbon in the girl's hair. "You shouldn't judge a book by its cover, Miss Jane... But I do agree that they look rather grumpy at the moment." she told her.

Eva finished Jane's bow. "There." she smiled, then looked surprised as the wind picked up and started to blow the elderly nannies away.

"Oh, it's her." Jane gasped excited, watching as another younger and cheerier nanny flew down.

Michael looked with his sister in shock as the nanny appeared to be flying by her umbrella, then looked back to Jane. "Perhaps it's a witch!"

"She can't be a witch... She looks too nice." Jane said to her brother.

Eva made her way to change the sheets and pillowcases on the bed, ready for the new nanny.

"Send them in one at a time." George instructed Ellen.

Ellen nodded and went to the front door as George and Winifred came to meet their childrens' possible new nanny. The woman landed gently and put her umbrella down, before making her way to wait for the front door to open and for her to be invited in. Michael and Jane watched with awe as the woman landed in front of their house.

"You may come in," Ellen called out as she opened the door, expecting to be a crowd at the door. but only saw one nanny in question. "One at a time!"

Eva looked both happy and sad.

"Thank you." the woman smiled, brushing past Ellen, but not nastily. She then headed into the sitting room to see George and Winifred.

After talking to George and basically talking herself into the job, she headed off to see the children. She sat on the banister and slid up it by magic. George looked confused a little, it had all gone so fast. Michael and Jane watched with awestruck at what they were seeing. This nanny had to be a sorceress of some type.

"Close your mouth, Michael, we are not a codfish... Well, don't stand there staring... Best foot forward, Spit Spot!" Mary told them, gesturing for them to go ahead.

Jane looked shocked, and looked at her brother. Eva was putting the final touch to the room. Michael then cupped his mouth shut as he stood beside his sister before following her up the stairs. Jane went with her brother. Mary followed. Eva was humming quietly.

Winifred came to check on George. George was still busy looking for the remains of the paper he had ripped up last night.

"George?" Winifred called for her husband. "George, what on Earth are you doing? I thought you were interviewing nannies."

"OH!" George gasped as he bumped his head again. "I was, I was." he said, annoyed and in pain.

"Well, have you selected one already?" Winifred asked once she saw the room was empty and no one appeared to be waiting.

"Yes, it's done... It's... It's all done." George told his wife.

"Well, where is she?" Winifred then asked.

"What? Well, eh, she's in the nursery of course, I mean. I put her to work straightaway, I mean..." George said as he sat down, still confused.

"How clever of you!" Winifred replied. "I would've muddled the whole thing... Now, is she everything we'd hope she'd be?"

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