chapter 3

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"Good day, Eva, how are Jane and Michael?" Ellen asked.

Eva gave a small smile. "I left them with the new nanny, but they're fine, Ms. Ellen." she said politely.

"Very good," Ellen replied. "So far so good, but don't expect it to work out too well, Jane and Michael tend to run out more nannies than the whole country."

Eva glanced towards the nursery, then back to Ellen. "We'll see, ma'am," she said quietly, neither agreeing nor disagreeing. "Do you need any help with anything or should I go speak to Cook?" She asked her.

"I should be fine here, I did all I could before Mr. Banks fetched me," Ellen replied as she looked around her atmosphere. "Did you get any laundry gathered?"

Eva nodded. "I sorted the laundry this morning." she told her.

"Why don't you see to the cook then?" Ellen suggested since the laundry was taken care of.

Eva curtsied and hurried off to the cook. Ellen nodded to Eva on the way out as she sorted out other things.

Cook was currently preparing lunch. "I won't need you for a couple of hours, but if you use this time to go out pop into town and get a nice beef joint for dinner, and if you be good you can have two slices with your broth and a smear of butter on your bread." she told the younger servant.

Eva nodded to cook. "Yes, ma'am." she said and after receiving the money for the beef joint hurried out, grabbing her hat and cloak on the way.

Cook shook her head, but was feeling a bit generous today, plus this way, she wouldn't have to go fetch the joint herself.

Eva went along and passed the park, but noticed Bert and Fitch. Bert sang to himself as he swept up all around him while Fitch seemed distracted from the birds and wanted to go play with them, he was a kid after all.

Eva looked to them and smiled. "Good morning." she said softly to them.

"Ah, good day, madame." Bert smiled back to Eva.

"Good morning, ma'am." Fitch added as he smiled up to Eva cutely.

"What a lovely set of drawings." Eva smiled shyly.

"Why, thank you," Bert smiled back to Eva. "I do a bit meself."

"I help a little. "Fitch smiled bashfully while shuffling his feet up to Eva.

Eva placed a hand on Fitch's shoulder in a warm way. "Well, you both have done a smashing job," she smiled then held out a spare penny she had personally. "Here, I want to be first to donate." she said softly.

Fitch smiled back to Eva. "Thank you."

"Ah, you would?" Bert smiled. "You don't hafta."

Eva smiled. "I can't let art this good go unrewarded." she said.

"Aw, well, you're a rather sweet one." Bert smiled back as he accepted the donation.

Fitch came toward the other kids who came toward them, but their parents just took them away and told them not to make eye contact since he was a 'filthy street urchin'. Eva smiled.

Mary soon approached with the children and noticed the interaction between Bert and Eva and thought of a plan. Yes, Bert was sweet on her and she sweet on Bert a little, but Eva would suit him better as she could be around more. Michael looked curious at the chalk drawings with his sister. Fitch looked over to Jane and Michael, though he looked mostly fixed on Jane.

Eva smiled with a tiny blush. "They're smashing... I like the pretty hills the best." she said, then blushed more and looked away shyly.

"I quite agree." Mary said, hoping to strengthen the girl's spirit.

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