They walked silently side by side, only the pouring rain was heard and it was only getting worse. Rosy was deep down thankful to have found a moving shelter, but he was pretty much annoying, so she decided to thank him like she always thanked everyone...

"Thank you." With an expressionless face, no smiles, no pats.

"You're welcome. At least you know how to thank someone." The same mocking smirk stayed on that handsome face. "By the way, my name is Mark Tenas."

"By the way, nobody asked. Bye." Rosy said already entering her car, not hearing his last words.

"Oh so harsh, Rosemary Moonlight..." Mark's smirk never left his face. He turned and went to his own way, thinking about the cute and annoyed Rosemary.


"I can't believe you caught a cold!" A furious and worried brother yelled to his little sister. "I knew leaving you alone would be bad. And that damn clean weather cheated on me!"

"Brother, for the last time...this isn't a cold, I did fine alone and stop blaming the weather." Rosy was usually quiet and calm, but these two boys, Mark and Ryan, were beginning to get into her nerves.

"Of course that is a cold! You are sneezing some rare times and you are a little hot! I should have gave you an umbrella, or a coat, oh even better, I should have been ther..."

"Ryan. I will not say it again. This. Is. Not. A. Cold. And if you excuse me, I am going to my room and you are not allowed to go with me." Rosy interrupted Ryan's tantrum, and told him straight and clear the phrase he began to hate this past week.

When Ryan passed over his limits, Rosy would become cold to him and call him by the name. She would avoid Ryan for the entire day, and he wouldn't be allowed to go into her room and play games with her. However, there was still a worse thing......Ryan wouldn't receive his good night kiss on the forehead.

"..." he shut up the moment he heard his name, he was devastated. He loved playing games and loved his little sister, the time he stayed with her, Ryan found it relaxing and fun, even if Rosy crushed him down in the game mercilessly.

He knew he messed up with the overprotection, but he was so worried about her getting sick, he couldn't help it. Now Ryan could only wait until Rosy calms down and forgives him.

Rosy went upstairs to her bedroom, took a good warm shower to calm herself and went to her computer. She searched about Mark Tenas, because he seemed to be a 'love interest' from the otome game. And she was right, he is. However, his actual name is Markus and he gave her his nickname.

Markus Tenas, the child of the headmaster from her school 'Tenas Academy'. He is an exemplar student with always the highest score and really famous with the girls, like all the others 'love interests'.


Rosy was getting annoyed only looking at his face on the computer, so she decided to play her online game a little and power up her avatar. It was okay until someone's else avatar began to talk with her in the chatbox.

[Rosy...I'm really sorry for going overboard] WarGod02

She clearly knows who that avatar is, but she decided to ignore him.

[I was only worried about you and forgot to listen to you, please forgive me...] WarGod02

[Hey Rosy...] WarGod02

[talk to me please] WarGod02

[don't ignore meeeee] WarGod02

[I won't forgive you] BlackRosa

[........] WarGod02

Rosy already calmed down and had a little smile playing on her lips. She knew about Ryan's worries, but he needed to give her space sometimes.

[because I'm not mad at you silly] BlackRosa

[but no more overprotection.] BlackRosa

[Yep, no more.] WarGod02

[sorry Rosy.] WarGod02

[It's okay brother] BlackRosa

[...can I come play with you?] WarGod02

[...] BlackRosa

[I've bought that new game 'Run Pirates! Run!', they say good things about it] WarGod02

[okay, you can] BlackRosa

[with snacks] BlackRosa

And that's how a casual fight between the Moonlight siblings ends.

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