puppy love

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"mm..." you groan as alex gently shakes your shoulder,

"wake up. you're hogging all the blankets," he whines,

"sounds like your problem. there's probably other blankets somewhere in this hotel room," you mumble, burying your face into the pillow,

"but i want those ones," he whines again, continuing to shake you,

"fuck off, i'm comfy,"

he doesn't say anything else. it's finally quiet and relaxing... for about 20 seconds. until you feel something wet touch your cheek.

your eyes open as you see his touch licking your cheek.

you smack him away,

"alexander david fucking turner! no sir! that is disgusting!"

"i'm not a dog," he whimpers, burying his face into your neck,

"besides, there's other places where that tongue can go,"

you raise an eyebrow, not catching on,

"like where?"

"you're either stupid or tired,"

you've been in the car for almost about 3 hours now and you were starting to get extremely bored and impatient.

you cross your arms and pout, looking out the window,

"where are we going? we're not even in town anymore!"

"you'll see..."

"oh no." you look over at him,

"you've been an axe murderer this whole time, haven't you? your alter ego is alex turner, but you probably have some weird killer name that's gonna show up in the news after my body is found. i swear, if i wake up dead-!"

"okay, first of all, you can't 'wake up dead'" he chuckles, looking at the road,

"second of all, if i was an axe murderer, i would've killed you a long time ago. who would put up with you if they didn't really love you?"

you bite your lip. you guess he has a point,

"i don't buy that you're alex turner. who are you?" you tease,

"your daddy, now hush," he says,

"you're distracting me from the road,"

after about 45 more minutes of driving, you both arrive at a small house. it's light blue and looks homey. he pulls into the driveway and gets out of the car. you do the same. he takes your hand and rings the doorbell.

a tall, blonde lady opens the door. there's a bird on her shoulder and a dog chewing on the hem of her pants. it's clear that her house is like a zoo. in her hand, she holds a tape measurer and some fabric. so perhaps it's a tailoring zoo?

"ah, alex! hi! oh, and you must be y/n. come in, come in,"

you two walk inside and are met with a ton of dogs, cats and lots of other animals.

but what you're not okay with is the huge snake wrapped around the tv. snakes have never been your thing and never will be your thing. you creep close to alex as possible, as if he'd protect you from the snake. knowing him, he'd push you in front of it just for the laughs,

"damn, jess, how can you own this amount of animals and keep them alive?"

she shrugs,

"i just can't say no to them. they're my babies,"

jessica walks into the hallway and picks up a small black and white french bulldog. you immediately recognize it from the picture,

"oh my god!" you exclaim excitedly.

alex grins and takes the puppy from jessica,

"here she is," he smiles,

"she's so cute!" you squeal,

"you've gotta help me choose a name, al!"

the dog starts barking at nothing and that's when alex hands her to you,

"hi there, babygirl," you whisper, stroking her soft fur,

"you wanna come home and be my puppy forever?" you ask, gently holding her close to you.

she just yaps in response,

"that's gonna get annoying really fast," alex says.

"take good care of her! nice to meet you too, y/n!" jessica calls.

you wave with one hand as you carry your puppy back to the car,

"thank you, alex," you say softly,

"anything for you, baby,"

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