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Sam burst through the door of the motel. His eyes were wide and sweat glistened his forehead. Dean wasn't sure, but it seemed tears brimmed his eyes. "Gabriel's missing." Sam shakily grabbed his duffel bag and packed his plaid shirts and denim jeans. "We have to leave. Now."

Cas stepped out the bathroom from his shower. A white towel was wrapped around his waist. Water dripped down his hair. The smile faded and his face paled when he saw Sam. He was expecting to be alone with Dean. Being almost naked around his boyfriend's brother was something Cas was not quite comfortable with.

Seeing the horror on Cas' face, Dean assumed it was from Sam moving in such a panicked manor. "Gabriel's missing." Dean said, trying to sound casual. Dean knew Cas would not take well to news of his angel brother missing. Dean was worried, but he needed to try to hide it for his boyfriend and his brother.

"Sammy, calm down, calm down," Dean soothed. Sam ignored him and kept going on and on about how important Gabe was to him. Cas, in shock and hurry, dropped his towel and ran to the bathroom. He completely forgot about embarrassment in that moment. Besides, both Dean and Sam were too busy to notice.

However, as Dean was finally able to sit Sam down and Dean turned to look for Cas, he saw the white towel, rumpled on the motel floor. Dean laughed to himself but was concerned. Cas would never expose himself like that in his right mind.

"Sammy, look at me." Dean sat on the bed across from Sam's. Once Sam looked to Dean, Dean started talking. "Did you try summoning him?"

"Of course, I did. He didn't come. Dean, this shouldn't be possible. What if he's-" Sam's voice cracked. The tears that had been brimming his eyes spilled over. Dean wrapped his brother into a comforting hug. As Dean tried his best to keep his brother from going on a rampage, Cas exited the bathroom again, this time fully dressed, and grabbed his bag. He packed for Dean and himself.

Grabbing Sam's bag and the keys, Cas threw the bags into the trunk of the Impala. He checked themselves out at the front desk, and then he went to get Sam and Dean. Instead of walking in, Cas waited outside and thought about his brother. Angels can't avoid appearing when summoned. What could've happened?

Forgetting about the other two, Cas sat in the driver's seat and drove away. He stopped at an abandoned building just 7 miles outside town. He walked through the building until he found a windowless room.

He summoned his brother and waited. He turned and hastily glanced every square centimeter of the room before searching with his eyes again. "Gabriel!" He yelled into the empty room. He choked on his words. His chest filled with fear until he could barely stand.

Leaving everything there, he left the building and sat again in the Impala. He didn't drive. He just wanted to be alone for a bit.

His phone gave off a shrill noise, notifying him of an incoming call. "Hello," he managed to say gruffly into the speaker.

"Oh, Cas, Baby, it's me. It's Dean. Baby, where are you? Are you okay?" The relief in Dean's voice was evident, even to Cas who still wasn't good at comprehending others' emotions.

"Dean, I'm fine. I tried summoning him. I don't..." He gulped and paused. Dean have him time to gather himself. "I don't know what to do." Dean had never heard him so helpless and lost before. He wondered if Cas would react the same way if anything ever happened to him. "I'm coming back."

"Okay," Dean replied slowly. "Be careful. Love you, Babe."

"I love you, too, Dean. Bye." With that, he hung up. Without seeing him in person, Dean knew the look Cas held in his eyes. Dean knew how lost and lonely he looked. Dean knew exactly how upset Cas was. Gabe had always been the one brother that cared. Gabe had always been that one good brother. Dean knew that Gabe's disappearance was breaking Cas without even seeing him.

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