The First Date

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Tony Stark
He  took you to a nice party to show you off to everyone

Steve Rogers
He took you to the diner where you met :)

Bruce Banner
He took you to a nice dinner lit by candlelight

Clint Barton
He ordered pizza and you two stayed home and watched Indiana Jones movies the whole time

Thor Odinson
He took you to a bar and later left to Burger King

Loki Laufeyson
He took you to a movie theater and walked you home afterwards

Stephen Strange
He made a nice dinner and you two caught up the whole time

Peter Quill
He took you to a midnight showing of Footloose at a drive in

Took you to a street bender to get hot dogs and you two walked around

Sam Wilson
He made dinner and you too talked and watched movies all night

Bucky Barnes
He took you to an expensive place where he could show off but he could barely afford any of it so he took you to get milkshakes afterwards

Peter Parker
He brought you flowers and you went to a deli then you walked around Queens

Wade Wilson
Asked if you wanted to get a drink, got drunk then looked at the stars

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