kidnapped...Brielle is a bitch

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I ran out of my car but the guards stopped me "leave me, I have to go to her" I cried pushing them out of my way I stopped when my eyes fell on Adrian.

He was sitting on a bench and a nurse was attending his arm, he looked down when our eyes met. NO.

I ran to him and pulled him up by his collar "she was your responsibility"

He looked away.

"Sir you're hurting him" said the nurse panicked "he has been shot" I released him.

"Son" I turned to my father "Adrian tried his best. We will find Willow,the search operation will start from tomorrow"

I looked at him, my vision blurred "tomorrow?" I asked.

He nodded.

I walked away from them without saying another word, I needed my sunshine my Willow.

My eyes burned begging me to close them as I bit my lips to stop them from shivering.

"Aaron" I looked up to see Kenny he was panting.

"I know who took her".


I opened my eyes as the burning sensation in my wrists became unbearable to ignore.

It took time for my eyes to adjust to the dim light, I was sitting on a chair and my hands were tied behind me and there's this nagging  pain on left side of my head. I looked down to see the upper half of the white dress I was wearing was had turned crimson sticking uncomfortably to my body.

I looked around to see stacks of hay and tools. I know this place, it's been years since I came here but I can still recognize it easily even in this poor light,I pratically grew up here.

I sobbed as the harsh reality of the situation dawned on me, she brought me to a place where we had spent the best years of our childhood

I tried to open the knots on my hand but stopped when I heard footsteps. a metal door on my left opened with a screech"oh you are awake" the voice I knew to well said.

She was with two more masked men "why am I here" I asked.

Tsk tsk "talk like that to me again and you will regret it" she answered.

"Why are you doing this, I'm your sister" I said.

She grabbed my hair and pulled it making me shreik "We were never sisters" Brielle said gritting her teeth.


" your bitch mother seduced my stupid father all his life" she said stomping my naked feet with her heels, I clenched my teeth to stop myself from screaming.

"and you took my Aaron" she slapped me, my mouth filled with blood.

"You were never supposed to get above me" she screamed.

"I would love to let these men rape you but I want to play with you some more"

Blackness consumed me again.


"Why can't we tell the police ?"

"Because they won't listen to us" Aaron said backing his car in full speed.

"Why"I asked gripping the dashboard for support.

"They have decided the search would start from tomorrow and I can't wait that long".

"But you're a fucking prince surely you can make them "

"Also some of our men where involved in this kidnapping I don't want them to know that we have any clue " he said.

I sighed he was right even when this was a fucked up plan.

"Where" he asked after few minutes.

We were now trying to track Brielle's phone, that bitch thought her plan was fullproof I smirked, you deserve a pat on shoulder and a fucking national Award.


I looked at my laptop screen"Clayton ranch at the outskirts of the Redcrest"I gasped "she took her to their grandparents ranch".

Aaron's gripped the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles turned white"Okay but first we need to stop somewhere"


"You are not thinking that we are going to fight them with our hands, are you"

"Course not,Do I look suicidal"

I slumped my head on the cool glass and closed my eyes, Beautiful baby blue orbs looked back at me pleadingly telling me to not leave him alone.

Aaron was looking at me curiously "is everything alright "

"Yeah why"

"You were whimpering Nicholas's name in your sleep"

"are we there?"I asked ignoring his question and rubbing the sleep off my eyes.

He looked at me with sad eyes as if he knows how I feel then nodded getting out of his car.

"What is this place"

"You will see"

"You will see"

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