Chapter Eleven: The Demons Awake

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I was running every direction, down every alleyway, every twist and turn. I wanted to get away from him, I needed to get away from him. I took a right and ran right into a dead end. I was trapped now and he was getting closer. "Lidia" He said in a sing song voice dragging out my name. He got closer. Before he could grab me I awoke with a blood curdling scream and instantly mom rushed into the room sitting next to me. She wrapped her arms around me as I sobbed in her arms. I looked up to find Zayn looking worried and scared. I got up and rushed over to him, my body slamming into his. I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face in his neck trying to hide myself from him. Zayn wrapped his arms around me and I could hear mom and Louis leave the room. Zayn picked me up and walked me back over to the bed. He sat down with me in his lap before pulling my face from his neck to look at him. "Baby what happened?" he asked. "He tried to get me again. I woke up before he got to me though" "Who tried to get you" I looked at him for a moment before answering him. "My dad"


I woke up the next morning with Zayn's arms wrapped around me. I rolled over and nuzzled into him. I layed there for a bit before getting up and changing into an oversized sweater and leggings. It was starting to get cold here and I hated it. I did my makeup dark and put my hair into a side fishtail braid with a bow at the end. I slipped on my boots and walked downstairs. I yelled to mom telling her I was leaving for a bit and to tell Zayn I left if he woke up before I got back. I walked down the sidewalk weaving in and out of the people. I walked to the park and sat down on a swing. I looked up at the sky and looked back on my life. I looked at how different it is from living here and living with my biological mom and dad. It was a lot better for sure, and it wasn't home but it's a lot safer. After about an hour or so of just sitting on the swing I decided to go to a coffee shop for hot chocolate. After getting my drink I decided to walk back home. I walked inside, leaving my shoes at the door, and walked back up to my room. Zayn was up and pacing the room. When he seen me in the doorway he rushed over to hug me. "Where were you? I was so worried" he says panicked "I just left for a walk. Did you go downstairs at all?" "What? No I was too worried" "Well if you would've went downstairs mom would've told you were I went" I said smiling. He let out a sigh of relief and smiled back at me. We sat down on the bed cuddling while watching TV. Somewhere in between the kisses and laughs we fell asleep.


"Lidia Zayn dinner is ready" mom yelled up the stairs waking me up. I yelled that I wasn't hungry and that Zayn was still sleeping. I layed back down and closed my eyes. I felt sick all of a sudden and ran to the bathroom. I got sick and began to get a headache. I brushed my teeth and washed my mouth out before taking something for my head. I went back to my bed to find Zayn gone. I shrugged and climbed back into bed before passing out. 


Hey guys it's me. I finally have my laptop back so I can finally update a lot more. I know this isn't very interesting, but I just wanted to update. Plus I have writers block atm. Anywhore I love you guys and I hope you stick with me while I write this story. Please vote and comment and all that jazz. I love you guys, byye!!!!xx

P.S. Outfit on the side c:

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