(Y/N): But a narrow one. Honestly, I wouldn't mind doing it again.

Rias: Anyway, how about a friendly competition Sona?

Rias smiled at her as Sona got into her thinking pose.

Sona: A contest?

Sona stated with surprise as Rias kept smiling.

Rias: Whoever wins will get the rights to get the request first.

Sona: Certainly your not talking about a rating game.

Sona spoke with a serious tone as I watched the two talk with amusement.

Rias: Oh no. We won't get permission to do that.

Sona: Your right. Besides this isn't the time to call attention to yourself, with 'that' situation.

Sona's statement got Rias a little angry as Akeno looked at her in concern.

Rias: Don't go there. But I know a way, how about we settle this in a high school kinda way with sports?

Sona: Very well, then how about tomorrow at the tennis court, you and Akeno, verses Tsubaki and me?

Rias: Very well, see you tomorrow.

Sona nods and leaves the ORC room, while I hang back for a minute.

(Y/N): Good luck tomorrow, Ria-tan.

I glanced at the pervert as he looked at me.

(Y/N): You're going to need it.

I left with my peerage as I could hear him say.

Issei: He doesn't think much of me huh?

We go home as Kasen and I are in charge of making dinner today.

(Y/N): What should we do Kasen?

Kasen: Hmm... Hmm... I do not know.

(Y/N): Well, how about miso soup?

Kasen: Yeah, let's go with that.

Everyone sat down around the table as we pour them their dinner. After serving everyone, Kasen and I take our seats as well. After eating we placed our dishes in the sink as it was Tenshi's job to wash them.

(Y/N): Please try not to break any dishes this time.

Tenshi: What? I can wash dishes just fine!

(Y/N): Alright, alright.

I walk away and was about halfway down the hall when I heard the sound of a plate shattering.

Tenshi: I'm sorry!

(Y/N): *sigh* It's fine Tenshi.

I walk back to sweep it up and help her wash the dishes. After finishing Tenshi and I headed upstairs to sleep for the night. The two of us laid down and let sleep take us.

Next Day

I awoke and climbed out of bed. I noticed that Tenshi was still asleep so I shook her awake.

(Y/N): Let's go Tenshi, we need to get ready for class.

Tenshi: Carry me.

Seeing no other choice, I picked her up and carried her to the shower. Afterward, we came downstairs to see Yukari and Yuuka waiting.

(YN): Good morning. Are the others ready?

Yukari: Yes, MHX will be down in a minute, while Okita and Nobu are in the kitchen.

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