Part 20: Escape Plan

Começar do início

Shes literally 17 and she's almost blacked out drunk.

Though I guess I'm not one to talk.

I haven't taken a sip of beer since I've arrived, I think that shows my dedication to saving Ava.

"They're upstairs in one of my guest bedrooms" She brushes it off and tries to snuggle into my arms again.

"So Lillith, where's Ava again? " I hold her up right.

Now before anyone yells at me, I didn't get her drunk.

She did that on her own.

"Ava? " She silent for a moment "Ohh I know her" She giggles again.

"I sent her off witha friend of mine, Greg somethin or other" She frowns, trying to remember.

"Where would they be? " I'm prepared to hop up and leave once she says where they are.

This bitch let my girl get kidnapped.

"Eh, lives somewhere by a lake I think? Say, we should go there and party" She drinks more.

Gage.... That little bitch-

"I wanna get high" She pouts.

"I'm going home, bye. "  I walk out the door, not sparing a second look behind me.

~ ~ ~ ~

(Avalon's P.O.V)

I wipe the glass away frantically with the pillow case before pulling myself up with as much strength I can muster.

That was possibly the loudest noise I could have made.

I squeeze out of the window and run, fully aware of my surroundings.

There's water, lots of it... And sand.

I feel tears stream down my face.

I'm not sure whether its from the freedom, the fear, or just the bitter cold air biting at my exposed skin, but I ignore it.

This is no time to cry.

I stumble a little, feeling how numb my limbs are from adrenaline.

I feel more hope as a highway and lights come into my line of sight.

"Help! " I call out, my voice a faint rasp.

It's like a nightmare, were no matter how much I scream, my voice won't allow me.

Then I wake up.

Not really, but I do get a painful wake up call when I trip on a rock that was lodged into the sand.

I fall down but pick myself up, crying out when pain shoots through my ankle.

I know they never say to look behind you in horror movies when the protagonist is running, but I just have to.

I look behind me and spot all the lights on at the house I was kept in.

No one sees me yet and that's what I want, but I know it wont be long before they're on my trail.

I'll be especially slow with my now damaged ankle.

I'm limping as fast as I can away from them at this point, not wanting to spend the rest of my days living as a servant.

I here someone call out to me but I just limp faster, I won't let them catch me.

The voice gets louder and I know that they'll be on me soon.

But I'm so close to the houses.

To safety.

Then my shoulder is grabbed and I'm spun around.

The bad boy saved me|✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora