my friend, anxious angelica

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she says hi to me everyday,

sits by me at lunch when no one else will,

and reminds me to meet her at my locker before and after school.

she gets me up in the morning

and tucks me in when I'm going to bed.

she complains about my friends and whispers rumors about them in my ear,

she makes sure to keep my sentences short, but never neat,

and reminds me to keep my eyes down in defeat.

she pushes me into the stalls of the girls' bathrooms

to comfort me by setting off the nerves and alarms in my head.

people always wonder why i hang with her,

i tell them 'i don't know' or 'it's hard to explain.'

it's hard to explain her to you when she's sitting right here.

when she first introduced herself to me,

i never even knew she was there.

we shook hands on that first day,

and everything changed.

she told me that she had never met anyone better

and that maybe she could make me better than her.

'hi, I'm angelica.'

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