Chapter Three

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I look at my phone. It's Monday at 5:00 pm. I decided to go to Katie's house. I haven't been there in two years so this might be fun. She's acting weird and the worst thing she could live in is a bad environment.

I knock on the door. "Hey Isabella! My mom still isn't here. She might be on a business trip or something, but yeah let's have fun," she screams. I tell her, "We can't have too much fun, it's a school night." After that she said something weird, she said, "We don't have school on Saturdays silly."

What happened to Katie. I can't put my finger on it. We go into her room. It's really dirty. There are pencils shavings and paper wads on the floor. The only thing nice in here is her bed. The dark blue and pink blanket is softly spread over her bed. There are pills next to her bed with a cup of water. "So I think I we should go to the skating rink for my birthday party tomorrow," says Katie. I laughed. "We already went there Katie. Your birthday was yesterday," I said, fed up. Katie didn't look happy. "This isn't funny. You know I don't like when people forget the day I get closer to death. I'm becoming wiser and I'm more vulnerable," she said. I returned with a spot of anger in my voice, " Katie! Your the one being weird! Your acting like today is Friday, stop playing these tricks."

I just realized, Katie's alone. Her dad and mom are still probably at the hospital. Katies's been alone since yesterday and today. I understand why her dad forgot her. He has memory problems. I wonder what the accident has done to her dad's mind.

It fell silent. Katie starts to cry. "If your just going to pretend that I'm not as important as you, then maybe you should leave and never come back,"
says Katie. I backed away from Katie and told her, "Your being crazy, I don't mean to sound like rude, but you think it's a whole different day! What happened to you?"  She screams, "I'm not crazy! Leave me alone!"

She falls asleep. I try summing up the problem. I go up to the pill bottle she had. There's a note with it. "Assigned by Doctor Clayton. Consume with water after increase on heart rate. Problems such as yelling, rapid sweating, and unusual sleepiness are additional reasons to consume the medication."

I didn't know Katie had heart problems. She's been taking these for a year now according to the prescription date. I open her closet.

I feel something touch my arm. " What. Are. You. Doing?" It was Katie. She grabbed me with force and pushed me against the wall. I could tell she was angry. " Get out! Get out! Stay away from me!" She starts sweating rapidly, screams more loudly, and looks more sleepy. I quickly snatch the pill from her medication capsule and put it her mouth, along with some water. After two minutes, she completely fell asleep onto her bed. The last thing she said to me was that she never wanted to see me again. Not only did I lose my best friend but, I don't think I'll never figure out whats going on with Katie. I wait for her, behind her door. I want to be there, for my only friend.

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