'Cause most of us are heaving through corrupted lungs

Start from the beginning

Katsuki did manage to distance himself after the passing of his mom, though. Deku didn't bother him much afterwards and Katsuki assumed it was because he didn't want to be a bother after such a tragic event in his life. He appreciated that more than he let on. It was a shitty time in his life and having people around, especially Deku, drained him and made him feel worse. Being alone was all he wanted but eventually, it became a reality he faced every day.

"It still seems you're still barbaric, huh?" Todoroki said, his words uncalled for and looking to start trouble.

"Hah? What did you say you half 'n half bastard?" Katsuki asked. He slammed his hands down onto the pearly lunch table, eyes narrowed as he leaned across everyone's food to peer at the asshole testing his temper.

"See, that proves my point," he replied, unphased by Katsuki's signs of aggression.

"Come on, guys," Deku gave a fearful smile whilst placing a hand on top of Todoroki's head, "let's not go around starting fights for no reason-"

"Shut up, Deku! Icy-fucking-Hot over here trying to pick a fight."

"Well, if you could keep your temper in check you wouldn't be so troubled by the little things." Todoroki was fucking nonchalant and it pissed Katsuki off more than words could describe.

They were always like that, even when they were kids, at each other's throats. Todoroki never let what Katsuki said get to him, even if he threatened him with violence, and that was more than enough to aggravate the blonde. His words weren't enough to provoke any kind of reaction that would be satisfying. The only time Half 'n Half ever showed any emotion was when it was directed towards Deku and it was always positive, lovey even.

"Hey now," Kaminari said, placing his hand on Katsuki's shoulder as a way to get him to sit down, which he did, though he was hesitant and wasn't any of Kaminari's doing. "Both of you need to put your dicks away, okay?"

Katsuki was going to lose his shit. Kaminari was smiling a smile that made Katsuki want to punch him square in the face and Todoroki still had that stupid blank expression. He could feel his blood boiling and he was certain steam was going to start blowing out of his ears within the coming seconds because everyone at the table were burrowing themselves under his skin.

However, something from the corner of his eye caught his attention and pulled him away from reality. Unconsciously he turned his body to see what took his attention and was more than pissed to discover that it was Shitty Hair. His fiery red hair stood tall and his eyes seemed to be scanning the heads of everyone in the room as he stood near the cafeteria entrance but Katsuki knew he wasn't. As he manoeuvred his way through the room overflowing with students, the dog obviously leading him, Katsuki stared and didn't stop.

Kirishima looked normal, so normal, and so fucking good looking, even in a simple pair of jeans and hoodie, and it was unfair. So fucking unfair. He seemed to have meet Katsuki's gaze and despite knowing the idiot couldn't see, the blonde instinctively turned his head back towards the group of people who were pissing him off just moments before, a click of his tongue following.

Denki and Mina scooted away from Katsuki, leaving a gap big enough for the redhead to squeeze into. Denki called out to him and got up to help guide him into the seat next to Katsuki, who was shooting daggers at both Denki and Mina. It's like they were actively trying to get the shit beat out of them. He would have too, but Kirishima wedged himself between them and acted like a barrier.

"Hey guys," Kirishima said, sifting around in his bag. He pulled out a clear container with a blue lid and popped it open, a sandwich and several different types of fruit sitting inside. Mina and Denki shouted their replies way too enthusiastically and Deku and Todoroki gave two completely different replies. Deku's was chipper and friendly whilst Todoroki's was extremely monotone.

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